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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:New European Directive
Posted by: Fraser Pearce
Date/Time: 12/03/08 12:04:00

“Jonathan, do you seriously believe that all of our MPs, including those who have now been successful in imposing this constitution on us despite their manifesto promises, have bothered to read it or have the intelligence to understand all its implications?”

- Spot on, Colin.

To be fair though, the Lisbon Treaty has been designed to be unreadable anyway, as confirmed last July by the Italian PM, Giuliano Amato:

“Any prime minister - imagine the UK prime minister - can go to the Commons and say 'Look, you see, it's absolutely unreadable, it's the typical Brussels treaty, nothing new, no need for a referendum’. Should you succeed in understanding it there might be some reason for a referendum, because it would mean that there is something new.”

Still, we have a long tradition of our betters not reading the actual treaties they’re signing. Ken Clarke boasted he hadn’t read the Maastricht Treaty. Douglas Hurd (then Foreign Secretary) admitted, “Now we’ve signed it, we had better read it!”

Come the parliamentary debate, MPs weren’t even provided a copy of Maastricht to read – in effect, expected to vote on something without giving it prior scrutiny. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, as they wouldn’t have been able to change a single word of the treaty. Thanks to the Tory majority in the Lords, the Salisbury Doctrine wasn’t applied either. According to the House of Lords Library, the Salisbury Doctrine:

“…argued that the will of the people and the views expressed by the House of Commons did not necessarily coincide, and that in consequence, the House of Lords had an obligation to reject, and hence refer back to the electorate, particularly contentious Bills, usually involving a revision of the constitutional settlement, which had been passed by the Commons.”


Fast forward to January this year, the Commons passed the European Communities Finance Bill – i.e. the amount the UK will pay the EU until 2013. The government guillotined proceedings, limiting debate to a paltry 208 minutes and restricting how long individual MPs could speak and scrutinise. Britain’s net EU contributions will therefore be around £100 billion to 2013, £481 million for every minute the Commons was allowed to debate the issue.

When debating the Lisbon Treaty, British MPs were again expected to ratify it without reading a consolidated copy of the text. As with Maastricht, they wouldn’t be able to change a single scintilla of the text-they-hadn’t-read anyway. This prompted Labour MP, Austin Mitchell, to opine:

“… What is the use of discussing something that we cannot change? It is important to amend this constitution, because it will be our constitution if it is passed - it will say what we can and cannot do, and it will take powers away from this place. It is thus important that we are able to have our say on it. It will make us part of a larger entity - a larger state - and it will close the door on that. That is what it is about. If we cannot change that and if we cannot put it to the people, we are futile and useless.”


I can’t help thinking that Will’s right for the wrong reasons when talking of ‘representative democracy’. On matters of the EU at least, it seems successive governments are indeed representative due to the fact that, like the average punter, they don’t read the treaties either.

How rigorous then is our ‘representative democracy’ when MPs and cabinet ministers don’t even read the stuff they’re signing in our name?

As for Will’s ‘direct democracy’ being good for the X-Factor, try telling that to the people of Greenland when they voted to leave, the Swiss when twice rejecting EU membership, the Danes rejecting Maastricht or the French and Dutch voting ‘non’ and ‘nee’ to the original Constitution. Maybe they were all xenophobes too.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate06/03/08 00:04:00 David Giles
   Chiswick Councillors vote against the Tory manifesto and their democratic mandate06/03/08 06:47:00 Mark Evans
      Re:Chiswick Councillors vote against the Tory manifesto and their democratic mandate06/03/08 07:43:00 Colin Murphy
      Re:Chiswick Councillors vote against the Tory manifesto and their democratic mandate06/03/08 08:40:00 Paul Fisher
         Re:Re:Chiswick Councillors vote against the Tory manifesto and their democratic mandate06/03/08 09:04:00 Ben Willcocks
            Re:Re:Re:Chiswick Councillors vote against the Tory manifesto and their democratic mandate06/03/08 10:05:00 Malcolm Peltu
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Chiswick Councillors vote against the Tory manifesto and their democratic mandate06/03/08 10:46:00 Simon Everton
   Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate06/03/08 10:16:00 Jonathan Bingham
      Re:Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate06/03/08 10:31:00 Colin Murphy
         Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate06/03/08 10:54:00 David Giles
      Re:Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate06/03/08 14:15:00 Richard Greenhough
      Re:Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate06/03/08 16:05:00 Peter John
         Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate10/03/08 19:31:00 David Giles
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate10/03/08 19:55:00 Will Watson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate10/03/08 23:03:00 Sam Hearn Cllr
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate10/03/08 23:18:00 Will Watson
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate10/03/08 23:49:00 Sam Hearn Cllr
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate10/03/08 23:49:00 Brian Coyle
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto and her Democratic Mandate11/03/08 00:06:00 Will Watson
                     Re:How did we get into Europe ?(Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto)11/03/08 10:01:00 Richard Greenhough
                        Re:Re:How did we get into Europe ?(Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto)11/03/08 10:17:00 Jonathan Bingham
                        Re:Re:How did we get into Europe ?(Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto)11/03/08 10:21:00 Will Watson
                           Re:Re:Re:How did we get into Europe ?(Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto)11/03/08 11:55:00 Sam Hearn Cllr
                           Re:Re:Re:How did we get into Europe ?(Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto)11/03/08 13:14:00 Richard Greenhough
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:How did we get into Europe ?(Ann Keen Votes against Labour Party Manifesto)11/03/08 14:00:00 Martin Hime
                                 Re:Has the EU prevented war ?11/03/08 14:12:00 Richard Greenhough
                                    Re:Re:Has the EU prevented war ?11/03/08 21:37:00 David Giles
                                       Re:Re:Re:Has the EU prevented war ?11/03/08 21:51:00 Will Watson
                                       Re:Re:Re:Has the EU prevented war ?11/03/08 22:32:00 Brian Coyle
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Has the EU prevented war ?11/03/08 23:01:00 Will Watson
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Has the EU prevented war ?11/03/08 23:11:00 Martin Hime
                                             Re:'Corrupt unelected bureaucrats'11/03/08 23:41:00 Richard Greenhough
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Has the EU prevented war ?12/03/08 09:17:00 Peter John
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Has the EU prevented war ?11/03/08 23:10:00 Jonathan Bingham
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Has the EU prevented war ?12/03/08 08:56:00 Sam Hearn Cllr
                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Has the EU prevented war ?12/03/08 09:49:00 Will Watson
                                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Has the EU prevented war ?12/03/08 12:18:00 Richard Greenhough
   New European Directive12/03/08 00:12:00 Richard Greenhough
      Re:New European Directive12/03/08 09:59:00 Colin Jordan
         Re:Re:New European Directive12/03/08 10:12:00 Jonathan Bingham
            Re:Re:Re:New European Directive12/03/08 10:15:00 Colin Jordan
               Re:Re:Re:Re:New European Directive12/03/08 12:04:00 Fraser Pearce
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:New European Directive12/03/08 12:29:00 Martin Hime
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:New European Directive12/03/08 17:14:00 David Fox
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:New European Directive12/03/08 17:33:00 Will Watson
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:New European Directive12/03/08 18:40:00 Jeff Gear
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:New European Directive12/03/08 18:49:00 Will Watson
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:New European Directive13/03/08 12:41:00 David Giles
                           Text of the Treaty of Lisbon12/03/08 18:41:00 David Giles
                              Re:Text of the Treaty of Lisbon12/03/08 22:02:00 Guy Lambert
                              Re:Text of the Treaty of Lisbon12/03/08 23:08:00 Brian Coyle
                                 Re:Re:Text of the Treaty of Lisbon12/03/08 23:38:00 Will Watson
                                    Re:Re:Re:Text of the Treaty of Lisbon13/03/08 12:51:00 Richard Greenhough
                                       For Guy: "This referendum debate..."13/03/08 20:07:00 Fraser Pearce
                                          For Guy: "It is perfectly obvious from the BBC link..."  13/03/08 20:09:00 Fraser Pearce
                                             For Guy: "...Moving forward our common European agenda..."13/03/08 20:10:00 Fraser Pearce
                                                For Guy: "...the Treaty also sets out a specific right and procedure for member states to leave"13/03/08 20:13:00 Fraser Pearce
                                                   For Guy: "...we did vote to go in..."13/03/08 20:17:00 Fraser Pearce
                                                      For Guy: "...a convincing majority..."13/03/08 20:18:00 Fraser Pearce
                                                         Re:For Guy: "...a convincing majority..."13/03/08 21:38:00 Guy Lambert
                                                            Re:Re:For Guy: "...a convincing majority..."14/03/08 08:05:00 Peter G Boardman
                                                               Re:Re:Re:For Guy: "...a convincing majority..."15/03/08 13:44:00 Will Watson
                                                            Re:Re:For Guy: "...a convincing majority..."14/03/08 19:01:00 David Giles
                                                               Re:Re:Re:For Guy: "...a convincing majority..."15/03/08 01:18:00 David Fox

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