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Topic: Re:Re:Re: Bill George (2)
Posted by: Richard Cathcart
Date/Time: 05/07/22 16:27:00

BG: "Why allow even more match day parking in the heart of W4 by approving a planning application for use of the business park car park?"

RC: Some fans will travel to the BCS by car, if only because they have to (mobility, family etc). Just as the same fans went to Griffin Park by car. That said, the BCS is much better served by public transport than GP, while the club has imposed mitigating measures (eg cycle racks, road marshalling etc).
Further, parking those cars in an otherwise unused business park has to be far preferable to having fans park in local streets, as happened at GP.
Meaning that even if there was some way of banning all visitors to the BCS from coming by car - and I can't think of one - then you should accept that the stadium will attract a reasonable, manageable amount of motor traffic. Just like bars, restaurants, cinemas, gyms  and other non-essential amenities. Or do you accept that a percentage of their clientele drive cars, too?

BG: "As to some of your points, traffic is hardly light at 6.30pm midweek or 2.30-3pm on a Saturday, have you ever been near Chiswick roundabout at that time?"

RC: I am a Season Ticket holder at BFC. I always take the bus from CHR to the BCS for games, since it is quick and reliable. Though I usually walk back if the weather's fine and/or I'm stopping off for a pint. I've never noticed excessive traffic delays, otherwise I'd walk to the stadium as well.

BG: "The Brentford match day restrictions are far more limited in area than most other major London stadiums, which LBH could easily sort if they were serious."

RC: I'll take it that you've checked all the restrictions eg around eg the Olympic Stadium, New Den or Selhurst Park, so can assure me that that is so.
And then point out that (a ) the BCS is further from central/built-up London than most other stadia, and (b ) that it is half or even a third the size of the major stadia you talk about, meaning that there is correspondingly less need for extensive restrictions.

Which is why there have been surprisingly few complaints about match day traffic/parking at the BCS by local residents, that I've noticed, at any rate.

BG: "a single match can offset all the credits by local residents over the preceding week."

RC: Taken to its logical conclusion, then the stadium would never have been built. Was that something which you advocated?

Hell, why not just ban football (and rugby) as spectator sports altogether? At least until after 2030, when we'll all be driving electric cars.

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