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Topic: Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene
Posted by: Una-Jane Winfield
Date/Time: 28/02/21 11:31:00

I support groups who want to meet up in particular pubs or other places which they find congenial. But the list LGBT seems to be growing ever longer and becomes less and less easy to understand and support. For example I have learned that Stonewall's definition of "trans" includes cross-dressers:  Are cross-dressers really "trans"? Most are heterosexual men, aren't they?
In fact the "definition" of "gender dysphoria" is something to do with "gender identity", which seems to be very vague concept, to do with sex stereotypes. In contrast sexual orientation is much easier to understand and define. 
I understand that "sexual minorities" is not a subject which many people want to discuss, for fear of accusations of "transphobia". But we also need to be able to question, and I understand LGB sexual ORIENTATION - same sex attraction. But I do not understand "gender identity". Why would anyone sane want to mess up their metabolism and their sex organs, let alone have surgery to remove perfectly health organs? In fact the Gender Recognition Act 2004 includes a definition of "gender dysphoria" in s25: "“gender dysphoria” means the disorder variously referred to as gender dysphoria, gender identity disorder and transsexualism".  The Act confirms that it is a mental disorder.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 11:31:00 Una-Jane Winfield
   Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 11:49:00 Julian Pavey
      Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 12:15:00 Simon Pedley
         Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 12:27:00 Una-Jane Winfield
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 12:57:00 bobby osborne
   Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 15:25:00 David Lesniak
      Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 19:50:00 Una-Jane Winfield
         Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 20:00:00 Stewart Jones
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 20:28:00 Richard Cathcart
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 20:49:00 Una-Jane Winfield
         Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene01/03/21 07:49:00 David Lesniak
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene13/03/21 12:40:00 Una-Jane Winfield
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene13/03/21 15:15:00 Stewart Jones
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene13/03/21 15:25:00 David Lesniak
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene14/03/21 10:32:00 Una-Jane Winfield
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene14/03/21 14:49:00 David Lesniak
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene14/03/21 22:42:00 Una-Jane Winfield
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene15/03/21 07:37:00 David Lesniak
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene15/03/21 10:35:00 Una-Jane Winfield
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene15/03/21 17:28:00 David Lesniak
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene15/03/21 18:17:00 Una-Jane Winfield
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene15/03/21 18:28:00 Una-Jane Winfield
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene16/03/21 07:15:00 David Lesniak
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene16/03/21 15:31:00 Una-Jane Winfield
   Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 21:11:00 Katja Urban
      Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene28/02/21 21:21:00 Una-Jane Winfield
      Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene01/03/21 11:07:00 Simon Pedley
         Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene01/03/21 14:18:00 Cllr Sam Hearn
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene01/03/21 15:20:00 David Lesniak
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene01/03/21 17:08:00 Loraine Pemberton
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Call Made To Revive Hounslow Borough's 'Vibrant' LGBT+ Scene01/03/21 19:44:00 Simon Pedley
                  Re: Simon Pedley01/03/21 22:11:00 Richard Cathcart
                     Re:Re: Simon Pedley02/03/21 07:35:00 David Lesniak
                        Re:Re:Re: Simon Pedley02/03/21 10:26:00 Janice Evans
                           Re:Re:Re:Re: Simon Pedley05/03/21 16:29:00 Martin Weaver
                        Re:Re:Re: Simon Pedley05/03/21 18:14:00 Jennifer Selig
                           Re:Re:Re:Re: Simon Pedley05/03/21 19:20:00 Cllr Sam Hearn
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: Simon Pedley05/03/21 21:35:00 Janice Evans
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: Simon Pedley06/03/21 13:07:00 Stewart Jones
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: Simon Pedley13/03/21 16:07:00 Alastair Banton
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: Simon Pedley15/03/21 15:20:00 Ed Saper

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