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Topic: Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise
Posted by: Sam Hearn Cllr
Date/Time: 27/03/12 15:19:00

If you let economists and staticians measure anything there is always a strong element of smoke and mirrors.

When my friend with an Oxford Degree and an MBA worked for Nestle marketing KitKats he was in the food and confectionary sector. Soon after he went to Twfords marketing lavatories and was counted as working in manufacturing. When he took a job flogging houses for a builder in the North East he was in the construction sector. Now he has a job in Canary Wharf marketing the services of an international firm of accountants and tax advisers.

He is not a confectioner, a manufacturing or a construction worker and he sure as hell is not an accounatnt or a financial adviser - he is a marketing professional. You can apply this way of looking at things to a myriad of jobs and careers from working in HR, to accounts clerking to computer programming.

What matters is surely not what sector we work in but that all of us have the chance to use and develop our skills & talents, and if we so choose to maximise our earning capacity. Good for us, good for HMRC and good for the UK.

If we are superb at designing hoovers/dysons but others can make them more cheaply should we not stick to designing them and not risk investing our capital in machinery and buildings that become rapidly obsolete?

Do we need screwdriver and spanner assembly jobs just to keep people employed? May be - but do not ask me to subsidise it in perpetuity out of my taxes or even to buy the products simply because they were assembled here. 

One of the UKs biggest exporters and tax cash cows is the Scottish Whisky industry. As anyone who has been around a distillery recently knows these 'chemical process plants' virtually run themselves nowadays. However upstream in the process there are jobs in farming and engineering, and down stream there is employment in everything from transportation and retailing to marketing and financial services. The number of jobs in manufacturing the whisky is minute and frankly does not really need to be done in Scotland.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise25/03/12 21:27:00 Richard Atterwill
   Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise25/03/12 22:04:00 Pete Mayes
      Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise25/03/12 22:29:00 Susan Kelly
         Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 21:57:00 Shaun Joynson
   Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise25/03/12 22:46:00 Thomas Barry
      Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise25/03/12 23:00:00 Richard Atterwill
         Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise25/03/12 23:12:00 Keith Iddon
            Re:Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 07:41:00 Richard Atterwill
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 10:39:00 Keith Iddon
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise27/03/12 14:15:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 10:01:00 Thomas Barry
      Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 08:23:00 Penny Keeley
         Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 11:35:00 Theresa Watt
            Re:Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 22:15:00 Pete Mayes
         Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 11:46:00 Theresa Watt
         Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 13:01:00 Richard Atterwill
            Re:Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 14:29:00 George Knox
   Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 15:41:00 Edward Przepiora
      Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 20:36:00 Guy Lambert
         Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 20:57:00 Richard Atterwill
            Re:Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 21:40:00 George Knox
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 22:02:00 Edward Przepiora
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 23:15:00 Guy Lambert
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise26/03/12 23:21:00 Pete Mayes
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise27/03/12 09:58:00 Edward Przepiora
                  European innovation in the last 50 years?26/03/12 23:41:00 Thomas Barry
            Re:Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise27/03/12 00:29:00 Keith Iddon
   Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise27/03/12 12:52:00 Richard Atterwill
      Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise27/03/12 15:19:00 Sam Hearn Cllr
         Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise27/03/12 16:36:00 Edward Przepiora
         Re:Re:Re:No longer Great Britain manufacturing wise27/03/12 23:09:00 Guy Lambert

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