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Topic: Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ?
Posted by: Richard Greenhough
Date/Time: 17/03/08 11:24:00

"...if I am completely honest I can't think of anything good that the tories did..."

Peter, I am currently reading a book called "Triumph TR7 -The Untold Story" which includes examples of the way the unions ran things at the Speke plant in Liverpool, which included physical assaults on anyone refusing to toe their line and the awful lack of quality control that made the cars they produced virtually unsellable. The Conservative's union reforms may have been too late to save what was left of our motor industry but they brought an overdue dose of reality into other workplaces and had much to do with the increasing prosperity we have enjoyed since. Despite the howls of protest from the Labour party at the time neither Blair nor Brown (so far, at any rate) have sought to turn back the clock to those days.

Then there was the 87% top rate of tax that they inherited and significantly reduced, engagement with Gorbachev that helped end the Cold War, privatisation of lumbering monoliths like BT which, for all their faults, are now competing in the modern world, etc.etc....

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever13/03/08 14:55:00 David Giles
   Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever13/03/08 14:59:00 Ken Munn
   Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever13/03/08 15:02:00 Richard Greenhough
      Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever13/03/08 15:26:00 Will Watson
         Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever15/03/08 21:51:00 Stewart Dean
   Straw poll on David's posting13/03/08 16:56:00 Guy Lambert
      Re:Straw poll on David's posting13/03/08 17:01:00 Tina Gallacher
         Re:Re:Straw poll on David's posting13/03/08 17:08:00 Martin Hime
            Re:Re:Re:Straw poll on David's posting14/03/08 19:04:00 David Giles
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Straw poll on David's posting15/03/08 16:56:00 Stewart Dean
         Re:Re:Straw poll on David's posting13/03/08 17:24:00 Louise Cole
   Re:Real ale13/03/08 17:42:00 Jonathan Sheldrake
      Re:Re:Real ale13/03/08 17:52:00 Richard Greenhough
      Re:Re:Real ale13/03/08 17:56:00 Jonathan Bingham
         Re:Re:Re:Real ale13/03/08 20:03:00 Fraser Pearce
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Real ale14/03/08 19:10:00 David Giles
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Real ale15/03/08 20:22:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever13/03/08 20:08:00 Ben Ffoulkes-Jones
      Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever13/03/08 23:48:00 Andy Rooney
         Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever14/03/08 19:15:00 David Giles
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever14/03/08 21:36:00 Jonathan Bingham
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever15/03/08 17:10:00 Stewart Dean
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever15/03/08 22:21:00 Ed Yelland
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 09:22:00 Colin Jordan
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 20:23:00 Stewart Dean
   Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 10:11:00 Peter Poulton
      Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 14:53:00 Colin Jordan
         Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 14:58:00 Peter Poulton
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 16:45:00 Richard Greenhough
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 17:38:00 Martin Hime
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 18:11:00 Guy Lambert
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 18:49:00 Colin Jordan
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 18:57:00 Martin Hime
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever17/03/08 08:28:00 Stewart Dean
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 19:10:00 Peter Poulton
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 20:18:00 Martin Hime
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever16/03/08 21:29:00 Martin Hime
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever17/03/08 07:39:00 Peter Poulton
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever17/03/08 10:41:00 Colin Jordan
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever17/03/08 12:18:00 Peter Poulton
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever18/03/08 12:39:00 David Giles
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alistair Darling's Budget is One of the Worst Budgets Ever17/03/08 12:19:00 Peter Poulton
                  Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ? 17/03/08 11:24:00 Richard Greenhough
                     Re:Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ? 17/03/08 11:29:00 Will Watson
                     Re:Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ? 17/03/08 11:57:00 Stewart Dean
                        Re:Re:Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ? 17/03/08 12:43:00 David Giles
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ? 17/03/08 14:26:00 Martin Hime
                              Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ? 17/03/08 14:28:00 Tina Gallacher
                                 Re:Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ? 17/03/08 14:44:00 Richard Greenhough
                                    Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ? 17/03/08 15:14:00 Tina Gallacher
                                       Re:Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ? 17/03/08 16:15:00 David Giles
                                          Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ? 17/03/08 16:35:00 Tina Gallacher
                                             Re:Re:What did the Tories ever do for us ? 17/03/08 17:57:00 David Giles
                                       Re:There Is No Alternative (TINA)17/03/08 17:18:00 Richard Greenhough
                                          Re:There Is No Alternative (TINA)18/03/08 11:15:00 Tina Gallacher
                                             The present price of gold is $1023 an ounce but who sold it at $275 an ounce ?18/03/08 12:49:00 David Giles
                                                Re:The present price of gold is $1023 an ounce but who sold it at $275 an ounce ?18/03/08 13:54:00 Stephen Pett
                                                Re:The present price of gold is $1023 an ounce but who sold it at $275 an ounce ?18/03/08 14:00:00 Jo Meaneaux
                                                   Re:Re:The present price of gold is $1023 an ounce but who sold it at $275 an ounce ?18/03/08 14:00:00 Jo Meaneaux
                                                      Re:Re:Re:The present price of gold is $1023 an ounce but who sold it at $275 an ounce ?18/03/08 14:02:00 Stephen Pett
                                                         Re:Re:Re:Re:The present price of gold is $1023 an ounce but who sold it at $275 an ounce ?18/03/08 15:26:00 David Giles
                                                            Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The present price of gold is $1023 an ounce but who sold it at $275 an ounce ?18/03/08 17:36:00 Stephen Pett
                                                               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The present price of gold is $1023 an ounce but who sold it at $275 an ounce ?18/03/08 20:28:00 David Giles
                                                                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The present price of gold is $1023 an ounce but who sold it at $275 an ounce ?19/03/08 09:25:00 Jo Meaneaux
                                                                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The present price of gold is $1023 an ounce but who sold it at $275 an ounce ?19/03/08 20:09:00 David Giles

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