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Topic: Re:Message for Rich Gr££nToff
Posted by: Robin Taylor
Date/Time: 06/10/09 17:18:00

Dear Rich,

I'm not surprised Manria doesn't respond to your Tory rantings, so I'll have a go.

As I've explained to you before, Ann does not hold open surgeries because she was stalked and assaulted on her own doorstep by a homophobic bigot. A supporter of your party, by any chance?

To deal with your other questions:-

" you don't live in her constituency, what grounds do you have for thinking she is an active constituency MP?"

Neither Manria nor I live in the Tatton constituency either, but we both know that its MP is unsuitable tobe our Chancellor of the Exchequer. Ann Keen works an eighty hour week (which, I suspect, is more than you do, as you seem to post on this forum 24/7).

"(Ann Keen) does not live in the constituency..."

She bought and paid for a property in Brentford in 1987. This was briefly taken over by squatters after an active member of your party (well known for expressing racist views) publicised the fact that it had been left temporarily unoccupied due to building work. She would be back by now had it not been for the Tory dirty tricks department. And what of your candidate? She moved out of the constituency to Chelsea, where she tried and failed to win the nomination to stand as Tory candidate. Now she's been selected here, she's back. How's that for commitment?

" notorious for failing to reply to letters from constituents."

Says who? Perhaps if you word your letters politely and about matters which are relevant to her job as an MP you would get an answer.

"Even during the last election campaign she failed to hold open public meetings..."

She was probably busy meeting real people - by canvassing. Her Tory predecessor avoided public meetings like the plague. It's part and parcel of being an incumbent.

"...she has refused to stand up in front of her constituents and try to justify her excessive expense claims."

Her expense claims are not excessive. Compared to most MPs they have been below average for six of the last seven years - and this for an MP who represents one of the largest constituencies in Britain. Oh, and by the way, when is your candidate going to stand up in front of her prospective consituents and try to justify her acceptance of dodgy donations from billionaire tax exiles who store their money in off-shore climes while the good people of Chiswick pay their fair share?

"...she was not visible in her constituency during the parliamentary recess..."

How would you know? Does she have to report to you every time she does something for her constituents?

"She claims that her campaign against the third runway as one of her major successes..."

At least she lobbied successfully for a cap on night flights until 2012 and for no runway alternation.

"...yet remains a member of a government that has green-lighted that same runway."

But give the government its due - it is honest about where it stands. The No Third Runway commitment of your party is opposed by most Tory MPs and was a cynical trick to deceive Lib Dem and Green voters into thinking you are on their side. It will be the first policy U-turn of any incoming Tory government- and most green campaigners know this full well. That's why Willy Walsh votes Tory. Incidentally, your own PPC, Mary Ma££eod, when challenged at a public meeting, stated that she would join a Tory government even if it was committed to the third runway.

"Going on ministerial jaunts to New York has no relevance to her performance as a constituency MP."

I don't know the details of this so don't know what she was there for. However, you as a Tory should know all about "jaunts". Chiswick Tory councillor & council leader Peter Thompson went on a £13k one in the spring, leaving the town to try and cope with the calamity of the new waste collection service.

" believe that she is an active constituency MP, we don't."

Who is "we"? You don't speak for the constituency. Your party was trounced three times running.

And by the way, when is your candidate going to come clean about her views on fox hunting? She has been asked enough times!

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                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Have the Conservatives changed under Cameron?08/10/09 09:49:00 Todd Richard Feely

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