Forum Message

Topic: St Margaret's House
Posted by: C R Cohen
Date/Time: 27/10/10 15:56:00

I would like to put my earlier comments below in context...

The verbal abuse was an isolated incident.

Whilst there is occasionally noise disturbances, I have only called the Noise Control line once.

The rubbish is an ongoing issue and the local foxes compound the issue.

On the whole we coexist with the Women’s' Refuge in peace. Whilst they may not be 'model' neighbours the impact due to their proximity is negligible.

Let me crystallise my objections. My key concerns are:

The proposed building and number of inhabitants is too large for the size of the plot

There will be limited recreational space for the planned number of inhabitants.

It is an institutional facility in the middle of a residential area

The architecture of the proposed extension is not in  keeping with the remainder of the building and the buildings adjoining it.

There are amenity issues around the amount of traffic entering and leaving the proposed site. The SCR / A4 junction is a nightmare at the best of times. Additional traffic pulling in and out of 50-54 SCR in such proximity to the junction will cause further traffic problems.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
St Margaret's House19/10/10 13:27:00 Paula Smith
   Re:St Margaret's House19/10/10 15:25:00 Jane Hanna
   Re:St Margaret's House19/10/10 15:47:00 Jane Hanna
      Re:Re:St Margaret's House19/10/10 16:05:00 Elizabeth Ross
         Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House19/10/10 20:08:00 M Patience
            Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House19/10/10 20:20:00 Paula Smith
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House21/10/10 11:17:00 Louise Boucher
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House21/10/10 12:05:00 Elizabeth Ross
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House21/10/10 12:38:00 Jane Hanna
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House21/10/10 13:04:00 Adam Beamish
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House22/10/10 23:18:00 Elizabeth Ross
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House23/10/10 09:39:00 Paula Smith
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House23/10/10 13:59:00 Elizabeth Ross
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House12/11/10 19:25:00 Paula Smith
   Re:St Margaret's House25/10/10 11:37:00 C R Cohen
      Re:Re:St Margaret's House25/10/10 22:41:00 Elizabeth Ross
      St Margaret's House27/10/10 15:56:00 C R Cohen
      Re:Re:St Margaret's House28/10/10 14:02:00 Todd Richard Feely
         Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House28/10/10 15:23:00 Paula Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House28/10/10 15:27:00 Louise Boucher
            Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House28/10/10 15:41:00 Todd Richard Feely
   Re:St Margaret's House26/10/10 09:32:00 C R Cohen
      Re:Re:St Margaret's House26/10/10 09:40:00 M Patience
         Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House26/10/10 10:08:00 Elizabeth Ross
      Re:Re:St Margaret's House26/10/10 10:10:00 Elizabeth Ross
         St Margaret's House26/10/10 10:12:00 C R Cohen
         Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House26/10/10 14:00:00 Adam Beamish
   Re:St Margaret's House27/10/10 14:21:00 Chris Carlson
      Re:Re:St Margaret's House27/10/10 17:25:00 Jane Hanna
         Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House28/10/10 17:14:00 Jennifer Selig
         Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House28/10/10 22:43:00 Adam Beamish
   Re:St Margaret's House29/10/10 12:14:00 F Coyle
   Re:St Margaret's House29/10/10 13:32:00 Paula Smith
      Re:Re:St Margaret's House29/10/10 13:51:00 F Coyle
   Re:St Margaret's House12/11/10 17:51:00 Dino Mahoney
      Re:Re:St Margaret's House12/11/10 18:17:00 Elizabeth Ross
         Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House12/11/10 18:32:00 Lisa Mercer
            Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House12/11/10 18:57:00 Elizabeth Ross
         Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House12/11/10 18:37:00 Elizabeth Ross
            Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House13/11/10 08:22:00 Pete Higginson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:St Margaret's House15/11/10 10:13:00 Paula Smith

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