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Topic: Re:Re:Re:you couldn't make it up !
Posted by: Rima Jones
Date/Time: 18/12/14 06:58:00

Yes Bobby, you're right. This is all looking very suspicious.
Could it be a sinister plot for downgrading every home in the borough, thereby making all housing affordable. Another problem solved.
Or could it be that in some roads sacks are collected and taken out of bins, unless there's something sticking out of the top but in other roads they aren't. Baffling. One way of dealing with it would be to throw it all in the truck and set fire to it. Rubbish all gone and no tax to pay.
We have a right to know the truth.
If there are sudden conflagrations in the streets on Christmas Eve we will know that Lo and Behold, it is Sitas very special way of bringing great joy and goodwill to one and all.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
wheelie bin petition15/12/14 00:07:00 Marie-Louise Rabouhans
   Re:wheelie bin petition15/12/14 20:19:00 Gail Busza
      Re:Re:wheelie bin petition15/12/14 21:00:00 Claire Moran
         Re:Re:Re:wheelie bin petition17/12/14 06:43:00 Rima Jones
   Re:wheelie bin petition15/12/14 23:21:00 Rima Jones
      Re:Re:wheelie bin petition17/12/14 08:35:00 Dan Murphy
         Re:Re:Re:wheelie bin petition17/12/14 10:00:00 Rima Jones
         Re:Re:Re:wheelie bin petition17/12/14 14:38:00 Rima Jones
      It costs how much!17/12/14 14:58:00 Ken Munn
         Re:It costs how much!17/12/14 19:17:00 Rima Jones
            you couldn't make it up !17/12/14 20:20:00 Claudia Jachtmann
               Re:you couldn't make it up !17/12/14 22:36:00 Rima Jones
                  Re:Re:you couldn't make it up !17/12/14 22:57:00 bobby osborne
                     Re:Re:Re:you couldn't make it up !18/12/14 06:58:00 Rima Jones
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:you couldn't make it up !18/12/14 07:38:00 Philippa Bond
                           Re: People are frightened of the amount of waste they make!18/12/14 09:48:00 Philippa Bond
                              Re:Re: People are frightened of the amount of waste they make!18/12/14 11:51:00 Rima Jones
                     Re:Re:Re:you couldn't make it up !19/12/14 22:51:00 Pamela Mayorcas

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