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Topic: Re:The Dorset Coast Express July 26.
Posted by: Ian Wylie
Date/Time: 26/07/11 10:55:00

Didn't recognise you without the church pew, Chris! There's also - possibly - another steam train through Chiswick this Saturday lunchtime. It's one of the semi-regular day excursions on the British Pullman carriages of the Orient Express (UK) company. Usually steams through W4 sometime around 1:10pm - 1:15pm. Times will be confirmed later this week. But it can take the left fork at Barnes Station and head down the Mortlake route. That appears to be the case on weekday. But on Saturday trips it tends to travel via Chiswick.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick12/07/11 09:46:00 Richard Jennings
   Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick12/07/11 10:09:00 Ian Wylie
      Re:Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick12/07/11 12:02:00 Richard Jennings
   Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick12/07/11 12:07:00 James Roy
      Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick12/07/11 12:29:00 Ian Wylie
         Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick12/07/11 12:40:00 Ian Wylie
   Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick12/07/11 19:27:00 Jenn Irvine
      Re:Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick12/07/11 19:37:00 Ellen Houghton
         Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick12/07/11 20:16:00 Ian Wylie
      Re:Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick13/07/11 00:39:00 Richard Jennings
         Re:Re:Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick13/07/11 16:29:00 James Roy
      Re:Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick15/07/11 16:18:00 Caroline MacMillan
         The Dorset Coast Express - details from the website15/07/11 17:25:00 David Giles
            Re:The Dorset Coast Express15/07/11 17:42:00 Ian Wylie
               Re:Re:The Dorset Coast Express15/07/11 23:21:00 Jim Lawes
                  Re:The Dorset Coast Express19/07/11 09:35:00 Ian Wylie
                     Re:The Dorset Coast Express19/07/11 09:56:00 Ian Wylie
                        Re:The Dorset Coast Express19/07/11 10:18:00 Ian Wylie
                        Re:Re:The Dorset Coast Express19/07/11 10:46:00 Iris Hill
                           Re:The Dorset Coast Express19/07/11 18:06:00 Ian Wylie
                              The Dorset Coast Express on Tuesday 26th July 201121/07/11 15:23:00 David Giles
                                 Re:The Dorset Coast Express July 26.26/07/11 09:32:00 Ian Wylie
                                    Re:The Dorset Coast Express July 26.26/07/11 09:57:00 Ian Wylie
                                       Re:Re:The Dorset Coast Express July 26.26/07/11 10:00:00 Iris Hill
                                          Re:The Dorset Coast Express July 26.26/07/11 10:16:00 Ian Wylie
                                             Re:Re:The Dorset Coast Express July 26.26/07/11 10:42:00 Chris Blackwell
                                                Re:The Dorset Coast Express July 26.26/07/11 10:55:00 Ian Wylie
                                                   Re:Steam Trains W426/07/11 11:08:00 Ian Wylie
                                                      Re:Re:Steam Trains W426/07/11 11:41:00 Rebecca Singer
                                             Re:Re:The Dorset Coast Express July 26.26/07/11 12:20:00 Thomas Barry
                                                Re:The Dorset Coast Express July 26.26/07/11 12:41:00 Ian Wylie
                                                Re:Re:Re:The Dorset Coast Express July 26.26/07/11 12:41:00 David Giles
                                                   Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2828/07/11 11:28:00 Ian Wylie
                                                      Re:Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2828/07/11 11:55:00 Richard Jennings
                                                         Re:Re:Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2828/07/11 11:58:00 Delilah Hall
                                                            Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2828/07/11 12:04:00 Ian Wylie
                                                               Re:Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2828/07/11 17:13:00 Richard Jennings
                                                                  Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2828/07/11 17:32:00 Ian Wylie
                                                                  Re:Re:Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2828/07/11 21:17:00 Alan Wadner
                                                                     Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2828/07/11 21:24:00 Ian Wylie
                                                                        Re:Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2828/07/11 22:20:00 Iain Muir
                                                                           Re:Re:Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2828/07/11 23:59:00 Richard Jennings
                                                                              Re:Re:Re:Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2829/07/11 02:29:00 Iain Muir
                                                                                 Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2829/07/11 07:09:00 Ian Wylie
                                                                                    Re:Re:The Cathedrals Express July 2829/07/11 12:56:00 Jennifer Jones
                                                                                       Re: Saturday29/07/11 16:35:00 Ian Wylie
                                                                                          Re: Saturday29/07/11 18:51:00 Ian Wylie
                                                                                             Re:Re: Saturday29/07/11 23:11:00 Thomas Barry
                                                                                                Re: Saturday30/07/11 08:42:00 Ian Wylie
                                                                                                   Re:Orient Express British Pullman today30/07/11 14:00:00 Ian Wylie
                                                                                                      Re:Re:Orient Express British Pullman today30/07/11 16:29:00 Richard Jennings
                     Re:Re:The Dorset Coast Express30/07/11 19:26:00 Mark Griffiths
                        Re:Re:Re:The Dorset Coast Express30/07/11 19:30:00 Mark Griffiths
         Re:Re:Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick30/07/11 19:36:00 Mark Griffiths
            Re:Steam train every Tuesday through Chiswick31/07/11 13:40:00 Ian Wylie
               Re:Dorset Coast Express Tuesday Aug 202/08/11 07:43:00 Ian Wylie
                  Re:Re:Dorset Coast Express Tuesday Aug 202/08/11 09:36:00 Neil Murray
                     Re:Dorset Coast Express Tuesday Aug 202/08/11 10:45:00 Ian Wylie
                        Re:Re:Dorset Coast Express Tuesday Aug 202/08/11 10:54:00 Stuart Kerr
                           Re:Dorset Coast Express Tuesday Aug 202/08/11 11:22:00 Ian Wylie
                              Re:Orient Express British Pullman Wed Aug 303/08/11 10:00:00 Ian Wylie
                                 Re:Re:Orient Express British Pullman Wed Aug 308/08/11 16:36:00 Judith Steinert
                                    Re:Dorset Coast Express Tue Aug 908/08/11 17:28:00 Ian Wylie
                                       Re:Re:Dorset Coast Express Tue Aug 908/08/11 18:38:00 Judith Steinert
                                          Re:Dorset Coast Express Tue Aug 909/08/11 09:41:00 Ian Wylie
                                             Re:Dorset Coast Express Tue Aug 1616/08/11 09:41:00 Ian Wylie
                                                Re:Re:Dorset Coast Express Tue Aug 1616/08/11 09:55:00 Stuart Kerr
                                                   Re:Re:Re:Dorset Coast Express Tue Aug 1616/08/11 10:40:00 Sarah Sharp
                                                      Re:Dorset Coast Express Tue Aug 1616/08/11 11:32:00 Ian Wylie
                                                         Re:The Cathedrals Express Wed Aug 1717/08/11 09:48:00 Ian Wylie
                                                            Re:Dorset Coast Express Tue Aug 2323/08/11 09:48:00 Ian Wylie
                                                            Re:Re:The Cathedrals Express Wed Aug 1723/08/11 10:42:00 Richard Jennings
                                                               Re:The Cathedrals Express Wed Aug 1723/08/11 17:04:00 Ian Wylie
                                                                  Re: Oliver Cromwell06/09/11 10:13:00 Ian Wylie
                                                                     Re:Re: Oliver Cromwell07/09/11 00:07:00 Jim Lawes
                                                                        Re: Oliver Cromwell07/09/11 13:56:00 Ian Wylie
                                                                           Re:Re: Oliver Cromwell07/09/11 15:19:00 Michael Daley
                                                                              Re:Re:Re: Oliver Cromwell07/09/11 17:57:00 Jim Lawes
                                                                                 Re: Oliver Cromwell07/09/11 18:21:00 Ian Wylie
                                                                                    Re:Re: Oliver Cromwell and Chiswick07/09/11 19:30:00 David Giles
                                                                                       Re:Re:Re: Oliver Cromwell and Chiswick07/09/11 19:35:00 Stuart Kerr
                                                                                       Re:Re:Re: Oliver Cromwell and Chiswick07/09/11 21:32:00 Michael Daley

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