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Topic: Re:Breaking Coalition Agreement promises too...
Posted by: Vanessa Smith
Date/Time: 29/11/10 15:19:00

As someone who has unfortunately seen more of NHS services than I would like in the last couple of years - I can only say how the service really improved under Labour. In the main I don't like the target driven culture but I think in the case of the NHS it brought many improvements, which are about to go down the tubes, with waiting lists for appointments and operations already beginning to lengthen. This 'reorganisation' is therefore nothing to do with improving services, it's idealogical - as is a lot of the ConDem policy. I think GPs already have enough to do and they simply do not have the time and in many cases the expertise or the inclination to take on this massive task. It's like a lot of this Government's thinking it's change for changes sake, with no discernible benefit for those on the receiving end.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Being Horrid To Nick Clegg25/11/10 11:30:00 Stuart Kerr
   Re:Being Horrid To Nick Clegg25/11/10 14:20:00 Vanessa Smith
      Re:Re:Being Horrid To Nick Clegg25/11/10 15:08:00 Edward Przepiora
         Re:Re:Re:Being Horrid To Nick Clegg25/11/10 15:28:00 John Connelly
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Being Horrid To Nick Clegg25/11/10 15:37:00 Edward Przepiora
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Being Horrid To Nick Clegg25/11/10 20:04:00 Christopher Shea
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Being Horrid To Nick Clegg26/11/10 10:01:00 Edward Przepiora
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Being Horrid To Nick Clegg25/11/10 20:21:00 Jennifer Selig
   Re:Being Horrid To Nick Clegg25/11/10 22:04:00 C Wynne
      Re:Re:Being Horrid To Nick Clegg25/11/10 23:04:00 Carrie Richards
         Re:hopefully this is right...25/11/10 23:05:00 Carrie Richards
            Re:Re:hopefully this is right...26/11/10 10:58:00 Phil Andrews
               Re:Re:Re:hopefully this is right...26/11/10 12:03:00 Carrie Richards
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:hopefully this is right...26/11/10 20:27:00 William Beausire
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:hopefully this is right...27/11/10 08:36:00 Carrie Richards
                     Re:Songs for the paranoid fantastics out there....27/11/10 19:11:00 Carrie Richards
               Re:Re:Re:hopefully this is right...26/11/10 12:05:00 David Roberts
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:hopefully this is right...26/11/10 12:49:00 Phil Andrews
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:hopefully this is right...26/11/10 14:03:00 Neil Muller
                        Re:Free health care for the healthy only....bring down those costs....26/11/10 14:48:00 Carrie Richards
                           Re:Re:Free health care for the healthy only....bring down those costs....26/11/10 14:59:00 Richard Greenhough
                              Re:Re:Re:Free health care for the healthy only....bring down those costs....26/11/10 15:43:00 Carrie Richards
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Free health care for the healthy only....bring down those costs....26/11/10 16:16:00 Stuart Kerr
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Free health care for the healthy only....bring down those costs....26/11/10 17:35:00 Parvez Haling
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Free health care for the healthy only....bring down those costs....26/11/10 20:31:00 William Beausire
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Free health care for the healthy only....bring down those costs....26/11/10 22:21:00 Parvez Haling
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Free health care for the healthy only....bring down those costs....27/11/10 08:18:00 William Beausire
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Free health care for the healthy only....bring down those costs....26/11/10 20:12:00 Carrie Richards
                                       Re:Free heath care for Merchant  Bankers and chinless twerps.26/11/10 20:38:00 bobby osborne
               Re:Re:Re:hopefully this is right...26/11/10 14:14:00 Vanessa Smith
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:hopefully this is right...26/11/10 14:28:00 John Connelly
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:hopefully this is right...26/11/10 15:54:00 C Wynne
                     Breaking Coalition Agreement promises too...26/11/10 16:12:00 Malcolm Peltu
                        Re:Breaking Coalition Agreement promises too...29/11/10 15:19:00 Vanessa Smith
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:hopefully this is right...29/11/10 21:53:00 Steve Taylor

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