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Topic: Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?
Posted by: David Giles
Date/Time: 06/11/09 21:31:00

I have noticed lately the rapidly rising real prices of imported motor cars.

The devaluation of the pound against the euro, the dollar and the other major trading currencies should normally lead to inflation in the costs of imported goods and services. And we do import a lot of goods and serrvices.

In addition, Gordon Brown's policy of trying to increase the supply of money and credit by "quantitative easing" may well be inflationary

Are we now going to have rapidly rising prices, rapidly rising taxes, tighter credit, rising unemployment, salary costs and cuts in benefits and public services ?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?06/11/09 21:31:00 David Giles
   Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?06/11/09 22:47:00 Michael Daley
      Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?07/11/09 12:18:00 Martin Hime
         Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 12:11:00 Thomas Barry
   Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?07/11/09 09:43:00 Fraser Pearce
      Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?08/11/09 20:48:00 Joe Conneely
         Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?09/11/09 11:34:00 David Giles
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?09/11/09 13:34:00 John Southey
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?09/11/09 15:33:00 Fraser Pearce
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 06:29:00 William Beausire
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?09/11/09 15:38:00 Michael Daley
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?09/11/09 15:39:00 E Yarrow
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?09/11/09 17:01:00 John Southey
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?09/11/09 17:16:00 Michael Daley
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?09/11/09 17:03:00 Richard Greenhough
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?09/11/09 17:10:00 Michael Daley
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound 09/11/09 18:54:00 E Yarrow
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?09/11/09 17:18:00 John Southey
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?09/11/09 20:01:00 David Giles
   Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 09:35:00 Thomas Barry
      Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 09:58:00 E Yarrow
         Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 10:10:00 Joe Conneely
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 10:19:00 E Yarrow
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 12:18:00 Thomas Barry
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 12:58:00 Fraser Pearce
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 13:03:00 Fraser Pearce
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 13:33:00 E Yarrow
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 16:03:00 John Southey
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 16:07:00 E Yarrow
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 16:10:00 John Southey
      In reply to Thomas Barry11/11/09 20:22:00 David Giles
   Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 16:17:00 E Yarrow
      Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 22:27:00 John Southey
         Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?10/11/09 22:32:00 E Yarrow
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?11/11/09 07:49:00 John Southey
   Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?11/11/09 08:11:00 Barbara Deane
   Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?11/11/09 08:51:00 E Yarrow
      Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?11/11/09 09:04:00 Barbara Deane
         Britain is no longer in World Gold Top Ten11/11/09 12:15:00 David Giles
      Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?11/11/09 14:07:00 David Giles
         Re:Re:Re:Is Inflation the inevitable result of the Devaluation of the Gordon Brown Pound ?13/11/09 09:30:00 Fraser Pearce

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