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Topic: Yellow box junctions
Posted by: Andy Pease
Date/Time: 06/07/15 19:40:00

For the last 3 days, while wanting to turn right at the southbound traffic lights on Sutton court road, the traffic has been held up by drivers not pulling up onto the yellow box junction.They have just moved forward a few feet, and then waited until the lights change again before turning right onto the A4.This incredibly selfish manoeuvre means that they are the only car able to turn right during that faze of the lights.Cars that are queuing behind them waiting to turn cannot pull in front of them because of cars passing them on the nearside.As far as I am aware, the highway code rule174 has not changed since I left the Met, this states that cars turning right may enter the box junction if their exit is clear, and they are only prevented from making a right turn by oncoming traffic.The drivers that have stopped and refused to enter the yellow box, also appear to be deaf.They showed no sign of being able to hear the deafening car horns behind them.If you are driving and turning right at the SCR lights, please pull into the yellow box.Thank you.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Yellow box junctions06/07/15 19:40:00 Andy Pease
   Re:Yellow box junctions06/07/15 22:44:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:Yellow box junctions06/07/15 22:51:00 David Marles
         Re:Re:Re:Yellow box junctions and roundabouts06/07/15 23:16:00 Loraine Pemberton
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Yellow box junctions and roundabouts07/07/15 05:57:00 Dan Murphy
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Yellow box junctions and roundabouts07/07/15 06:28:00 Philippa Bond
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Yellow box junctions and roundabouts07/07/15 07:54:00 Andy Pease
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Yellow box junctions and roundabouts07/07/15 09:56:00 Stephen Gould
   Re:Yellow box junctions07/07/15 11:55:00 Virginia Cizek
      Re:Re:Yellow box junctions07/07/15 11:57:00 Richard Greenhough
      Re:Re:Yellow box junctions07/07/15 18:05:00 Richard Jennings
   Re:Yellow box junctions07/07/15 18:20:00 Michael David Rowe
      Re:Re:Yellow box junctions07/07/15 21:04:00 Nick Jenkins
   Re:Yellow box junctions08/07/15 00:03:00 Robin Cox
      Re:Re:Yellow box junctions08/07/15 07:05:00 Andy Pease
         Re:Re:Re:Yellow box junctions08/07/15 10:19:00 Robin Cox

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