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Topic: Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground
Posted by: Greg Frost
Date/Time: 16/04/11 22:33:00

Being a newer resident to the area, I am intrigued by this playground.

I love Stamford Brook Park, particularly as it is one of the main reasons that myself and my fiance got our puppy Willow last October. Living in London is difficult to find parks that are completely dog friendly, and having a park designated to dogs and their owners down the road was perfect. Don't get me wrong, the playground section of the park last year was lovely, and I love seeing children play and having fun. But this new play area is so much bigger than than the last playground and does seem to overwhelm the park a touch, plus it takes a large portion of the dog walking area away in this predominantly dog walking park?

I understand that the local children need to play and this play area may seem so much more bigger than it actually will be because of the large fences and building site environment, but I do honestly feel that the focus has been taken away from Stamford Brook Park, the one fully fenced dog park in the area, especially as there is a wonderful childrens play area in Ravenscourt Park 5 minutes down the road.

Besides all this, another thing for me is that I have recently heard that the Poplar Tree nearest the recent trade entrance is to be cut down. This would be awful, not just for the tree, but for the new build directly behind it and the park as a whole. Please rethink this, those in the know.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Stamford Brook Park Playground12/08/10 17:27:00 Elizabeth Ross
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground12/08/10 17:56:00 Lisa Anne Delorie
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground13/08/10 10:01:00 Thomas Barry
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground13/08/10 10:11:00 Lisa Anne Delorie
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground16/08/10 11:39:00 Elizabeth Ross
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground05/11/10 20:31:00 Juliet Golz
               :Stamford Brook Park Playground05/11/10 21:26:00 John Todd
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 00:37:00 Maria Alaka
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 00:46:00 Robin Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 01:07:00 Maria Alaka
   :Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 02:55:00 John Todd
      Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 10:44:00 Elizabeth Ross
         Re:Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 14:43:00 Maggie Dodge
            :Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 17:39:00 John Todd
               Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 17:51:00 Maggie Dodge
                  Re:Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 18:26:00 Juliet Golz
                     Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 19:37:00 John Todd
                        Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 10:53:00 Juliet Golz
                           Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 11:03:00 Elizabeth Ross
                              Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 12:21:00 Juliet Golz
                        Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 12:57:00 Richard Greenhough
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 10:32:00 Simon Tranter
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 12:24:00 Milli Scott
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 12:47:00 Elizabeth Ross
            Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 16:28:00 John Todd
               Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 19:40:00 Elizabeth Ross
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground16/04/11 16:41:00 Tim Heymans
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground16/04/11 22:33:00 Greg Frost
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground17/04/11 15:19:00 Fiona Campbell
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground18/04/11 13:24:00 Elizabeth Ross
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground22/04/11 22:43:00 Elizabeth Ross
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground26/04/11 18:20:00 Elizabeth Ross
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground18/05/11 12:31:00 Sam James

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