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Topic: Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground
Posted by: Elizabeth Ross
Date/Time: 14/04/11 19:40:00

John, in what way do you find it disappointing?  It was kept to being strictly factual without any additional detail as to the difficulties that we experienced over the last 10 days.  You did indeed help us and was very effective in getting the play area re-instated and I have supported you as the most effective Councillor we have.

I also campaigned hard and passionately and with others was invited to discussions where the increased size and shape was agreed. I repeatedly asked for the area to be marked out so that the users of the park could be reassured.  Is it transparent when you repeatedly ask for the agreed size and shape to be marked up and it is not done?  I asked you to find out why this was not done but you never came back to me.

When the contractors marked out the area prior to installing the play equipment it was far larger than agreed as per the copy of the plan that the 3 of us were given (no additional consultation with us) and instead of the agreed 90 degree angle from the east gate it was angled right out into the middle of the grass area with a very sharp corner and losing the pleasant symmetry of the 4 gates.  Everytime I go to the park I am told at how upset people are, but this afternoon I was able to tell them that the offending corner of the fence was to be rounded off but sorry about the way the east gate is still obscured.

As soon as it was realised there was a problem, I asked for your help and after the first email you steadfastly failed to make any contact or reply.  I also asked for us all to attend a site meeting so that the matter could be discussed and a quick resolution but again I heard not a word (nor did the others) from you as to what was happening and instead I received a 'naughty girl' letter ticking me off for asking the contractors to start on the far side of the disputed fence whilst we tried to sort things out.  This could have been done very amicably and quickly and where were you? certainly not answering my emails.  Needless to say the equipment was installed and now nothing can be done about the line of the fence because that would mean moving some of the equipment and it would add further expensive.  What has been very expensive is that it has taken 10 days to sort this out, 3 visits (that I have seen) by the Council surveyor who always has to report back, numerous meetings and so on. 

Even more disappointing is that the contractor collected the original fencing that was in storage and brought it to site and it was obvious that it was different to the new fencing that was partly installed.  No doubt new panels have had to be ordered, more expense and another few weeks before it is finished.

In view of the removal of a good tree on the small triangle that was condemned as dangerous and when it was taken down had no sign of disease, I asked that we should be kept informed as what was to happen to the trees within the play area as we had been told that they were to be pruned.  Again not a word until I saw that there had been pruning work on the large poplar by the east gate and was told that one side branch that was removed had been hollow and the Council expert had come along and announced that the tree should be removed.  Apart from the fact that this tree looks to be healthy and in good condition, its removal will significantly alter the appearance of the common and leave it very exposed to the new build across the road.  Perhaps you could find out and tells us if this is true.

With regard to the refurbishment of the paths we were told at the end of last year that the funds had been allocated and they would be done.  However, yet again repeated requests for a time scale are met with complete silence.  You have no idea how frustrating this is those paths are in a shocking state and if we don't stay on the case they might not be done after all.

The impression gained with all of this is that it may be our Council, we pay for it through our rates,  we can make requests and might even be allowed some involvement but at the end of the day we seem to have no rights to query anything.  To have agreed and accepted the plans and been given copies and then have imposed on us something quite different is not fair and we have had to fight hard to rectify it.  You were outraged when I used the word 'misled' what else is it?   We are the people who use this park and it is an amenity we really do value so it is unacceptable to treat us in this way.

There was so much good will and pleasurable anticipation only to have it end up in an acrimonious debacle.  How sad! 

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Stamford Brook Park Playground12/08/10 17:27:00 Elizabeth Ross
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground12/08/10 17:56:00 Lisa Anne Delorie
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground13/08/10 10:01:00 Thomas Barry
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground13/08/10 10:11:00 Lisa Anne Delorie
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground16/08/10 11:39:00 Elizabeth Ross
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground05/11/10 20:31:00 Juliet Golz
               :Stamford Brook Park Playground05/11/10 21:26:00 John Todd
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 00:37:00 Maria Alaka
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 00:46:00 Robin Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 01:07:00 Maria Alaka
   :Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 02:55:00 John Todd
      Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 10:44:00 Elizabeth Ross
         Re:Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 14:43:00 Maggie Dodge
            :Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 17:39:00 John Todd
               Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 17:51:00 Maggie Dodge
                  Re:Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 18:26:00 Juliet Golz
                     Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 19:37:00 John Todd
                        Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 10:53:00 Juliet Golz
                           Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 11:03:00 Elizabeth Ross
                              Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 12:21:00 Juliet Golz
                        Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 12:57:00 Richard Greenhough
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 10:32:00 Simon Tranter
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 12:24:00 Milli Scott
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 12:47:00 Elizabeth Ross
            Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 16:28:00 John Todd
               Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 19:40:00 Elizabeth Ross
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground16/04/11 16:41:00 Tim Heymans
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground16/04/11 22:33:00 Greg Frost
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground17/04/11 15:19:00 Fiona Campbell
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground18/04/11 13:24:00 Elizabeth Ross
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground22/04/11 22:43:00 Elizabeth Ross
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground26/04/11 18:20:00 Elizabeth Ross
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground18/05/11 12:31:00 Sam James

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