Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground
Posted by: Elizabeth Ross
Date/Time: 14/04/11 12:47:00

Elements of it have been a struggle but at the end of the day it should be worthwhile.  The final shape of the fencing has just been accepted so it will be a week or so before the contractors are finished.  There are still some picnic tables and the benches to be installed but we have not yet been consulted on what is happening regarding the trees which were to be pruned - except that I learnt that the big poplar beside the east gate is to be removed.

Whilst campaigning for this we also pushed for the paths to be repaired.  We were told that the funds had been set aside and now await the news as to when that work will begin.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Stamford Brook Park Playground12/08/10 17:27:00 Elizabeth Ross
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground12/08/10 17:56:00 Lisa Anne Delorie
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground13/08/10 10:01:00 Thomas Barry
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground13/08/10 10:11:00 Lisa Anne Delorie
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground16/08/10 11:39:00 Elizabeth Ross
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground05/11/10 20:31:00 Juliet Golz
               :Stamford Brook Park Playground05/11/10 21:26:00 John Todd
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 00:37:00 Maria Alaka
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 00:46:00 Robin Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 01:07:00 Maria Alaka
   :Stamford Brook Park Playground06/11/10 02:55:00 John Todd
      Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 10:44:00 Elizabeth Ross
         Re:Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 14:43:00 Maggie Dodge
            :Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 17:39:00 John Todd
               Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 17:51:00 Maggie Dodge
                  Re:Re::Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 18:26:00 Juliet Golz
                     Stamford Brook Park Playground07/11/10 19:37:00 John Todd
                        Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 10:53:00 Juliet Golz
                           Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 11:03:00 Elizabeth Ross
                              Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 12:21:00 Juliet Golz
                        Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground08/11/10 12:57:00 Richard Greenhough
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 10:32:00 Simon Tranter
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 12:24:00 Milli Scott
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 12:47:00 Elizabeth Ross
            Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 16:28:00 John Todd
               Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground14/04/11 19:40:00 Elizabeth Ross
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground16/04/11 16:41:00 Tim Heymans
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground16/04/11 22:33:00 Greg Frost
      Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground17/04/11 15:19:00 Fiona Campbell
         Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground18/04/11 13:24:00 Elizabeth Ross
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground22/04/11 22:43:00 Elizabeth Ross
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground26/04/11 18:20:00 Elizabeth Ross
   Re:Stamford Brook Park Playground18/05/11 12:31:00 Sam James

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