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Topic: Turning off a major road has me perplexed
Posted by: Francis Sheehan
Date/Time: 01/04/22 12:48:00

I haven't learned to drive in the UK, but in the EU. Well, the continent.

In those dark lowlands, if I'm driving on a major road and want to turn left/right into another road I need to a) have clear way from traffic coming in the other direction and b) give right of way to pedestrians crossing and cyclists coming from behind. So, if I were to be travelling Eastbound on Chiswick High Road and I wanted to turn left onto Chiswick Lane, I'd need to watch out for cyclists coming from behind on the cycle lane and pedestrians crossing Chiswick Lane. Happens every day in Europe without the Maya-stile sacrifice of pedestrians and pedallers.

Somehow, here in the UK, we're implementing all sorts of hare-brained schemes to prevent that. If the powers that be really think that it's easier for a cyclist to mount on the pavement, travel to the zebra crossings, cross the road and then re-join the cycle lane, as a proud owner of colourful Spandex clothing and of a drop-bar bike I say that this is beyond stupid.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 14:27:00 David Lesniak
   Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 15:41:00 Paul Scullion
      Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 16:00:00 Peter Evans
      Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 16:17:00 Loraine Pemberton
         Re:Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 16:40:00 Andrew Jones
      Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 17:21:00 David Lesniak
         Re:Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 19:59:00 Maggie Dodge
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 20:26:00 Adrian Irving
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 20:33:00 Mark Evans
                  Reply01/04/22 00:18:00 Michael Preece
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?01/04/22 06:56:00 David Lesniak
                     Turning off a major road has me perplexed01/04/22 12:48:00 Francis Sheehan
                        Re:Turning off a major road has me perplexed01/04/22 13:00:00 David Lesniak
                           Re:Re:Turning off a major road has me perplexed01/04/22 13:34:00 Maggie Dodge

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