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Topic: Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?
Posted by: Paul Scullion
Date/Time: 31/03/22 15:41:00

Makes good sense and saves cyclist waiting at the junction if they want to turn left. Add some marking to the pavement to make it nice and clear and all done.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 14:27:00 David Lesniak
   Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 15:41:00 Paul Scullion
      Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 16:00:00 Peter Evans
      Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 16:17:00 Loraine Pemberton
         Re:Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 16:40:00 Andrew Jones
      Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 17:21:00 David Lesniak
         Re:Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 19:59:00 Maggie Dodge
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 20:26:00 Adrian Irving
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?31/03/22 20:33:00 Mark Evans
                  Reply01/04/22 00:18:00 Michael Preece
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycleway - another deviation from the plan?01/04/22 06:56:00 David Lesniak
                     Turning off a major road has me perplexed01/04/22 12:48:00 Francis Sheehan
                        Re:Turning off a major road has me perplexed01/04/22 13:00:00 David Lesniak
                           Re:Re:Turning off a major road has me perplexed01/04/22 13:34:00 Maggie Dodge

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