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Topic: Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?
Posted by: Colin Potter
Date/Time: 01/07/13 15:41:00

Thank you Cllr Colin Ellar for taking the time to answer questions and keeping us informed of what is happening. Your answers do raise a few more questions though.

“I have been informed there is now a national standard for street lighting and that the contractor is required to meet that standard on all of these works.”

The new lamp posts that have been installed in Mayfield Ave and Park Road are different heights, is this because of the place/link designation of the roads or some other reason?

“ From communications I receive at times some residents hold that councillors control every single piece of work and are personally responsible for any mishap or error by a contractor”

I haven't seen the specification of what the contractors are supposed to be doing street by street, if there is a mistake it is difficult to tell whose fault it is. I would assume the contractors have done what they have been asked and the mistakes have been made by more senior people.

“We are now coming to the end of the first 6 months of the contract and there is starting to be an visible impact on the quality of roads, pavements and lighting.”

It has taken most of the first six months to NOT finish Mayfield Ave (at least I hope it is not finished.) I've read the Street Scene Design Guide but cannot work out if it acceptable for the contractors to use 2 or 3 different colours for paving, to asphalt some driveways and pave others. The biggest visual impact is the asphalt by the trees, around a few of the trees some of the asphalt has been cut back and a few sections have been painted. What were the specifications for the contractors? Will all the pathways look as bad as Mayfield Ave?

“I am certain that the outcome of this massive investment will be a long term improvement but I understand that this level of change is something that has not been seen before and is at times unsettling for residents.”

After years of neglect the investment is needed, I think most people are unsettled not because of the change, but because the programme of works looks like it is being done as cheap as possible.
As I understand the main reason the pavements are being removed it because they cost too much to replace, so what is happening to them once they have been removed?
From what I have seen they look like they are being broken up and sent to a land fill site. Why are they not being salvaged and reused or sold?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?15/06/13 13:25:00 David Laskey
   Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?15/06/13 14:13:00 Chris Calvi-Freeman
   Another Ed Mayne Disaster?15/06/13 14:35:00 David Giles
      Re:Another Ed Mayne Disaster?15/06/13 14:57:00 Michael Brown
         Re:Re:Another Ed Mayne Disaster?15/06/13 23:09:00 David Giles
            Re:Re:Re:Another Ed Mayne Disaster?17/06/13 13:27:00 Sam Hearn Cllr
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Another Ed Mayne Disaster?17/06/13 14:15:00 Dan Murphy
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Another Ed Mayne Disaster?17/06/13 18:05:00 Sam Hearn Cllr
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Another Ed Mayne Disaster?17/06/13 18:41:00 David Yapp
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Another Ed Mayne Disaster?17/06/13 18:53:00 Vanessa Smith
                           Re:Another Ed Mayne Disaster?18/06/13 07:33:00 Philippa Bond
                              Re:Re:Another Ed Mayne Disaster?18/06/13 23:28:00 David Giles
                                 Cllr Ellar, lighting, tarmacking...19/06/13 17:06:00 Jenn Irvine
                                    Re:Cllr Ellar, lighting, tarmacking...19/06/13 18:18:00 Brian Coyle
                                       Re:Re:Cllr Ellar, lighting, tarmacking...19/06/13 18:51:00 Paul Allen
                                          Re:Re:Re:Cllr Ellar, lighting, tarmacking...19/06/13 19:15:00 C Wynne
                                          Re:Re:Re:Cllr Ellar, lighting, tarmacking...19/06/13 21:49:00 Richard Greenhough
   Coming to a street near you shortly19/06/13 19:50:00 Robert Fish
      Re:Coming to a street near you shortly19/06/13 22:51:00 Paul Allen
         Park Road. New street lighting.20/06/13 16:39:00 David Laskey
            Re:Park Road. New street lighting.20/06/13 16:49:00 David Laskey
               Re:Re:Park Road. New street lighting.20/06/13 17:32:00 Paul Allen
                  Re:Re:Re:Park Road. New street lighting.20/06/13 19:01:00 Thomas Barry
         Re:Re:Coming to a street near you shortly20/06/13 18:41:00 Thomas Barry
            Re:Re:Re:Coming to a street near you shortly20/06/13 19:14:00 Paul Allen
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Coming to a street near you shortly21/06/13 05:59:00 Dan Murphy
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Coming to a street near you shortly21/06/13 07:47:00 Gary Watson
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Coming to a street near you shortly21/06/13 10:21:00 Paul Allen
                        Another Hounslow mistake !!21/06/13 12:15:00 David Giles
                           Re:Another Hounslow mistake !!22/06/13 20:18:00 Gary Watson
                  Tackling the issue - WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER!23/06/13 12:26:00 R Barry
                     Re:Tackling the issue - WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER!23/06/13 19:33:00 David Giles
                        Re:Re:Tackling the issue - WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER!23/06/13 21:23:00 Cecile Parfitt
                        Re:Re:Park Road New Street Lighting23/06/13 21:29:00 Paul Allen
                           Re:Re:Re:Park Road New Street Lighting24/06/13 08:42:00 Gary Watson
                        Re:Re:Tackling the issue - WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER!24/06/13 11:51:00 John Hickman
                           Re:Re:Re:Tackling the issue - WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER!25/06/13 08:47:00 David Giles
   Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?26/06/13 11:35:00 Colin Ellar
      Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?26/06/13 12:46:00 Paul Allen
         Thanks to Central Government26/06/13 13:54:00 David Giles
            Re:Thanks to Central Government27/06/13 13:07:00 Sam Hearn Cllr
      Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?27/06/13 13:14:00 Gary Watson
         Re:Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?27/06/13 13:26:00 Chris Calvi-Freeman
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?27/06/13 13:33:00 Gary Watson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?27/06/13 13:35:00 Gary Watson
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?27/06/13 13:42:00 Chris Calvi-Freeman
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?27/06/13 17:23:00 Sam Hearn Cllr
                        £14 million a year for 25 years is £350 million 27/06/13 17:55:00 David Giles
                           Giles' lunatic xenophobia04/07/13 23:06:00 Thomas Barry
                     email the council????30/06/13 08:29:00 Dan Murphy
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?01/07/13 16:07:00 Colin Potter
      Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?29/06/13 14:26:00 David Laskey
      Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?01/07/13 15:41:00 Colin Potter
         Re:Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?01/07/13 15:55:00 Jenn Irvine
      Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?02/07/13 15:34:00 David Laskey
      Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?02/07/13 15:36:00 David Laskey
   Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?29/06/13 17:33:00 Caroline Hird
      Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?29/06/13 17:40:00 Richard Jennings
         Maybe the Government should take our money back29/06/13 19:19:00 David Giles
            Re:Maybe the Government should take our money back29/06/13 23:44:00 Richard Jennings
               Re:Re:Maybe the Government should take our money back30/06/13 00:54:00 Robert Austin
                  Re:Re:Re:Maybe the Government should take our money back30/06/13 09:17:00 Paul Green
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Maybe the Government should take our money back30/06/13 09:20:00 Gary Watson
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Maybe the Government should take our money back30/06/13 09:27:00 David Giles
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Maybe the Government should take our money back30/06/13 10:37:00 Paul Allen
                              Chiswick High Rd street lights left on 24 hours a day 30/06/13 11:00:00 Tom Forde
                                 Re:Chiswick High Rd street lights left on 24 hours a day 02/07/13 19:02:00 David Giles
         Re:Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?04/07/13 09:41:00 Howard Price
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?04/07/13 11:30:00 Dan Murphy
   Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?04/07/13 16:49:00 David Laskey
      CHISWICK AREA FORUM, 7.30pm Tuesday 9th July at Chiswick Town Hall.04/07/13 19:15:00 David Giles
      Re:Re:Park Road, Street lighting or tree lighting?04/07/13 21:03:00 Richard Jennings
         Stand firm against the shirker Jennings04/07/13 22:45:00 Thomas Barry

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