Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove
Posted by: Chris Calvi-Freeman
Date/Time: 18/06/12 18:10:00

“Although several options were put to the Council they insisted that a full signalised facility was needed which has resulted in the need to undertake full traffic modelling of this complex junction. “

In the interests of clarity, the Borough has simply asked for a demonstrably safe solution to be designed in detail, fully discussed and agreed with interested parties.  This will probably, but not necessarily, involve signalisation.  The important thing is that no further work is done without detailed design plans and independent professional safety audit.


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 16:55:00 Annabel Grbic
   Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 18:37:00 M Dowling
      Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 18:43:00 Annabel Grbic
         Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 19:23:00 Thomas Barry
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 20:12:00 Annabel Grbic
   Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 21:30:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove28/04/11 11:04:00 Will Watson
         Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove19/07/11 22:38:00 Chris Blishen
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove19/07/11 22:39:00 Chris Blishen
         Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove18/06/12 13:25:00 Andrew Jones
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove18/06/12 13:26:00 Andrew Jones
   Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove18/06/12 13:17:00 Tim Henderson
      Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove18/06/12 18:10:00 Chris Calvi-Freeman

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