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Topic: Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove
Posted by: M Dowling
Date/Time: 27/04/11 18:37:00

i can see no purpose for it whatsoever.

i think the beginning of it by the park is dangerous -cyclists riding at speed and then suddenly have to give way to the traffic coming off A4 for chiswick lane. at the end it puzzles me - it just stops at a hut and i'm not quite sure what the cyclist is meant to do then?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 16:55:00 Annabel Grbic
   Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 18:37:00 M Dowling
      Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 18:43:00 Annabel Grbic
         Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 19:23:00 Thomas Barry
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 20:12:00 Annabel Grbic
   Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove27/04/11 21:30:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove28/04/11 11:04:00 Will Watson
         Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove19/07/11 22:38:00 Chris Blishen
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove19/07/11 22:39:00 Chris Blishen
         Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove18/06/12 13:25:00 Andrew Jones
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove18/06/12 13:26:00 Andrew Jones
   Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove18/06/12 13:17:00 Tim Henderson
      Re:Re:Cycling lane on Dorchester Grove18/06/12 18:10:00 Chris Calvi-Freeman

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