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Topic: Better Schools
Posted by: Michael Sterne
Date/Time: 24/02/12 11:17:00

Richard, considerations of structure and quality are not mutually exclusive.  The statistics you deride as "blanket" also show that systems that provide for high quality entrants to teaching, effective initial and continuing professional development and professional autonomy are the more successful. If, however, you segregate more able and less able children, you create schools with children who are more disruptive, disadvantaged and difficult to teach.  Such schools are more difficult to run, which is why more of them fail.  Any farmer can succeed but it is much easier to do so on fertile soil.  Ofsted published a book, "Twelve outstanding secondary schools - Excelling against the odds"  The title speaks for itself.  Whats wrong with making the odds more even?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Comprehensive Schools - Conclusive Evidence21/02/12 00:01:00 Michael Sterne
   Re:Comprehensive Schools - Conclusive Evidence21/02/12 13:12:00 Sam Hearn Cllr
      Re:Re:Comprehensive Schools - What Evidence ?21/02/12 18:51:00 David Giles
         Re:Re:Re:Comprehensive Schools - What Evidence ?21/02/12 20:37:00 Tom Pike
   Re:Comprehensive Schools - Conclusive Evidence21/02/12 21:39:00 Juliet Golz
      Re:Re:Comprehensive Schools - Conclusive Evidence21/02/12 23:17:00 David Giles
         Re:Re:Re:Comprehensive Schools - Conclusive Evidence23/02/12 13:20:00 Tom Pike
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Comprehensive Schools - Conclusive Evidence23/02/12 15:37:00 Michael Daley
               Independent Schools' Expenditure23/02/12 15:43:00 Michael Sterne
                  Re:Independent Schools' Expenditure23/02/12 17:33:00 Michael Daley
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comprehensive Schools - Conclusive Evidence23/02/12 18:53:00 Tom Pike
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Comprehensive Schools - Conclusive Evidence23/02/12 20:50:00 Tom Pike
   Re:Comprehensive Schools - Conclusive Evidence22/02/12 00:38:00 Michael Sterne
      Britain dropped down the PISA rankings during New Labour’s period in office.22/02/12 13:54:00 David Giles
         It's not about party politics22/02/12 14:03:00 Michael Sterne
            Re:It's not about party politics23/02/12 14:31:00 Maire Lowe
               Streaming23/02/12 15:27:00 Michael Sterne
                  Re:Streaming23/02/12 16:08:00 Maire Lowe
               Re:Re:It's not about party politics23/02/12 15:55:00 David Giles
                  Re:Re:Re:It's not about party politics23/02/12 16:01:00 David Roberts
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:It's not about party politics23/02/12 17:34:00 Ellen Houghton
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:It's not about party politics24/02/12 00:06:00 David Giles
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:It's not about party politics24/02/12 08:39:00 Tom Pike
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:It's not about party politics24/02/12 09:57:00 Paul Green
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:It's not about party politics24/02/12 10:04:00 Richard Greenhough
                                    Better Schools24/02/12 11:17:00 Michael Sterne
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:It's not about party politics24/02/12 11:45:00 Tom Pike
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:It's not about party politics24/02/12 12:27:00 Paul Green
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:It's not about party politics24/02/12 13:06:00 Tom Pike

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