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Topic: Offaly good
Posted by: Roger Talbot
Date/Time: 12/10/10 15:46:00

If you're into offal, Vanessa, have you ever tried Haslet (pronounced hayslut)?

It's a pork meatloaf, originally from Lincolnshire (I come from down the road in Rutland) and as a youth I used to eat tons of it with pickles, fresh crusty bread and pints of Ruddles County straight out of the barrel when it was real beer and one glug was enough to give you an instantly huge and powerful erection.

Haslet's made from the chopped entrails of a pig (heart, kidney, liver, lungs etc), and stale white bread, sage, salt and pepper and chopped onion.

It's best eaten cold, and some people say that it tastes like a faggot (though not the ghastly great tasteless faggots you get for lunch at Whites in St James).

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly10/10/10 19:32:00 Joe Wengler
   Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly10/10/10 20:52:00 Ivan Salcedo
   Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly10/10/10 21:51:00 David Archer
   Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 10:38:00 Margaret Wilcocks
      Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 10:48:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 11:58:00 Joe Wengler
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 12:02:00 David Archer
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 13:28:00 A Knight
                  Link for Pulled Pork11/10/10 13:30:00 A Knight
         Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 15:33:00 Roger Talbot
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 10:57:00 Jennifer Selig
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 12:25:00 Vanessa Smith
               Offaly good12/10/10 15:46:00 Roger Talbot
   Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 13:38:00 Todd Richard Feely
      Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 13:50:00 Vanessa Smith
      Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 15:44:00 Ralph Charlwood
         Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 15:46:00 Todd Richard Feely
   Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 13:52:00 Alison Cox
      Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 15:15:00 Catherine Hall
         Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 16:34:00 Jennifer Selig

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