Forum Message

Topic: Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly
Posted by: Joe Wengler
Date/Time: 10/10/10 19:32:00


Did anyone try this recipe which was circulated at Waitrose this week?  I did and wish I didn't.  It took forever (9 hours) and was a big mess.  The pork turned out pretty good but the veg wasn't cooked despite being up to the max temp of the oven (95 degrees c)  Also, there wasn't enough meat or crackling per person as expected.  This is a bad recipe from Heston which is a shame because I like his stuff in general.


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly10/10/10 19:32:00 Joe Wengler
   Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly10/10/10 20:52:00 Ivan Salcedo
   Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly10/10/10 21:51:00 David Archer
   Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 10:38:00 Margaret Wilcocks
      Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 10:48:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 11:58:00 Joe Wengler
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 12:02:00 David Archer
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 13:28:00 A Knight
                  Link for Pulled Pork11/10/10 13:30:00 A Knight
         Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly11/10/10 15:33:00 Roger Talbot
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 10:57:00 Jennifer Selig
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 12:25:00 Vanessa Smith
               Offaly good12/10/10 15:46:00 Roger Talbot
   Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 13:38:00 Todd Richard Feely
      Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 13:50:00 Vanessa Smith
      Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 15:44:00 Ralph Charlwood
         Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 15:46:00 Todd Richard Feely
   Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 13:52:00 Alison Cox
      Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 15:15:00 Catherine Hall
         Re:Re:Re:Heston's 9 Hour Pork Belly12/10/10 16:34:00 Jennifer Selig

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