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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:March, protest, resist this to the last !
Posted by: Richard Jennings
Date/Time: 14/02/08 11:16:00

"Even if the planes had been on the northern runway you would not be able to hear them over the A4 traffic noise."

That may be true on the A4 itself, but a couple of streets away the noise from the traffic is much less but the aircraft noise is about the same.  Inside my house on the Glebe estate, aircraft noise penetrates double glazing whereas traffic noise generally doesn't.  I'm 200 metres from the A4 and 1200 metres from the northern runway flight path.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
March, protest, resist this to the last !13/02/08 21:19:00 Tim Henderson
   Re:March, protest, resist this to the last !13/02/08 21:51:00 Barbara Robinson
      Re:Re:March, protest, resist this to the last !13/02/08 23:06:00 Neil Anderson
         Re:Re:Re:March, protest, resist this to the last !14/02/08 09:49:00 Jonathan Bingham
            Re:Re:Re:Re:March, protest, resist this to the last !14/02/08 11:16:00 Richard Jennings
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:March, protest, resist this to the last !14/02/08 13:13:00 Tom Pike
            Re:Re:Re:Re:March, protest, resist this to the last !14/02/08 14:41:00 Neil Anderson
   Re:March, protest, resist this to the last !13/02/08 22:01:00 Colin Murphy
   Now here's a conundrum:14/02/08 14:03:00 Colin Murphy
      Re:Now here's a conundrum:14/02/08 15:00:00 Jo Meaneaux
   And another thing...14/02/08 15:00:00 Account suspended
      Re:And another thing...14/02/08 15:41:00 Tom Pike

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