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Topic: Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors
Posted by: Paul Allen
Date/Time: 23/02/15 16:27:00

Councilors cannot themselves regulate traffic

OK, but after witnessing the complete shambles over this weekend, they can at least answer their emails from concern local residents.

Councilors can evaluate if there is enough local concern to contact the relevant party that may be able to help ease the situation next weekend. Often most residents cannot workout who is the right person to contact, due to the may private initiatives the LBOH has entered into, where most councilors know the right person to contact.

If Hartington Road is still going to be used maybe a warning about the Thames Road  low bridge should be placed by the Roundabout by St Paul Church directing any high vehicles to Grove Park Bridge.

Sods law says it's bound take a hit over the next two weekends by the large coach or stray HGV, then we would have months of closures to put the damage right       

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 22/02/15 18:48:00 Alan McBride
   Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 22/02/15 19:13:00 Claire Moran
      Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 22/02/15 20:05:00 Thomas Barry
   Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 22/02/15 20:27:00 John Todd
      Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 22/02/15 20:47:00 Alan McBride
         Chiswick Bridge closure traffic lights23/02/15 10:49:00 Andy Murray
            Re:Chiswick Bridge closure traffic lights23/02/15 10:52:00 Alan McBride
               Chiswick Bridge closure traffic lights - action on alt. route signage23/02/15 11:01:00 Andy Murray
                  Re:Chiswick Bridge closure traffic lights - action on alt. route signage23/02/15 11:39:00 Russell Pearson
                     Re:Re:Chiswick Bridge closure traffic lights - action on alt. route signage23/02/15 12:13:00 Richard Greenhough
   Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 23/02/15 13:29:00 Paul Lynch
      Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 23/02/15 13:33:00 Paul Pryce
         Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 23/02/15 13:35:00 Carol Charlwood
         Re:Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 23/02/15 13:44:00 Richard Greenhough
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 23/02/15 14:49:00 Brian Coyle
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 23/02/15 15:51:00 Iris Hill
                  Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 23/02/15 16:27:00 Paul Allen
                     Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 24/02/15 11:26:00 Sam Hearn
                        Contacting Chiswick Riverside councillors 24/02/15 12:03:00 Andy Murray
                           Re:Contacting Chiswick Riverside councillors 24/02/15 12:22:00 Sam Hearn
                              Contacting the engaged 24/02/15 12:46:00 Andy Murray
                        Re:Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 24/02/15 12:49:00 Alan McBride
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 24/02/15 13:15:00 Sam Hearn
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 24/02/15 13:31:00 Alan McBride
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 26/02/15 13:35:00 Sam Hearn
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Calling all Chiswick Riverside councillors 26/02/15 13:58:00 Richard Greenhough

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