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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres
Posted by: Anne England
Date/Time: 08/08/19 10:26:00

The cost per month for those of a certain age to use any of Hounslow's leisure centres and pools is just over £37.00 which is terrific value. This includes any no. of fitness classes as well as use of the gym and pools etc.
When at Isleworth earlier this week there was an official going round with a clipboard doing a general check on the facilities.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres28/07/19 18:58:00 Una-Jane Winfield
   Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres28/07/19 19:21:00 Susan Jennifer Thackray
      Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres28/07/19 19:25:00 Una-Jane Winfield
         Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres28/07/19 22:04:00 Tim Mackinnon
            Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres29/07/19 06:50:00 Adrian Irving
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres29/07/19 10:34:00 Elizabeth Price
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres29/07/19 13:07:00 Anne England
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres08/08/19 10:26:00 Anne England
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres08/08/19 16:03:00 Susan Kelly
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres09/08/19 21:22:00 Rebecca Singer
   Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres09/08/19 14:59:00 Mike Brant

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