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Topic: 'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres
Posted by: Una-Jane Winfield
Date/Time: 28/07/19 18:58:00

The headline and the petition are inflammatory. It is true that there are some problems at Brentford Fountain Leisure Pool and fewer at Chiswick New Pool.
If the pools could be closed and emptied for a short time to permit essential maintenance work every year without fail this would have prevented problems getting worse. But the Council and Fusion Lifestyle, the company managing them, are reluctant to give up the income. This is short-sighted.
Hounslow Council should work with Fusion and give them the funds for the maintenance. This will make the pools more attractive to the public and keep revenue rolling in.
The worst possible outcome would be for the facilities to be allowed to become so bad that the sites were closed and sold to property developers. That would be "lose-lose" for the public.
Come on, Hounslow Council, please be pro-active and find out what work needs to be done! Charlotte Kimpson has given you the starting list.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres28/07/19 18:58:00 Una-Jane Winfield
   Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres28/07/19 19:21:00 Susan Jennifer Thackray
      Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres28/07/19 19:25:00 Una-Jane Winfield
         Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres28/07/19 22:04:00 Tim Mackinnon
            Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres29/07/19 06:50:00 Adrian Irving
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres29/07/19 10:34:00 Elizabeth Price
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres29/07/19 13:07:00 Anne England
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres08/08/19 10:26:00 Anne England
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres08/08/19 16:03:00 Susan Kelly
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres09/08/19 21:22:00 Rebecca Singer
   Re:'Dire standards' at New Chiswick Pool and Brentford Fountain Leisure Centres09/08/19 14:59:00 Mike Brant

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