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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign
Posted by: Diane Bardon
Date/Time: 11/04/19 13:40:00

Nick I did the appeal by email but the adjudicator wrote “I am not persuaded that the suspension signage was indeed inadequate. I am satisfied that the Local Authority has met the grounds of adequacy and has adduced evidence to meet and challenge the points raised by the appellant. I am satisfied that the relevant sign was clear, prominent and unambiguous”
Although I did provide evidence to proof the lower sign was turned to the pavement when I parked at the bay he choice to relay on the photo which was provided by parking services which was taken by the warden after he turned the bottom sign back to the road .
Spot on why have two suspensions sign ? ....why not have the suspension date print it on all the faces of the triangle?  if they going  to use moveable temporary signature  they can be turned around .

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 11:47:00 Diane Bardon
   Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 11:54:00 Janice Evans
      Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 12:40:00 Diane Bardon
         Re:Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 13:13:00 Elizabeth Jane Daley
         Re:Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 15:26:00 Janice Evans
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 17:11:00 Richard Jennings
   Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 20:58:00 Robin Cox
      Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 22:50:00 Diane Bardon
         Re:Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign11/04/19 03:44:00 Tony Smart
   Re:Misleading suspension sign11/04/19 09:37:00 Diane Bardon
      Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign11/04/19 12:52:00 Nick Jenkins
         Re:Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign11/04/19 13:40:00 Diane Bardon

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