Forum Message

Topic: Re:Misleading suspension sign
Posted by: Diane Bardon
Date/Time: 11/04/19 09:37:00

Unfortunately I didn't.
I made one error as the others mentioned by taking a photo at the time but I did check the signs and trusted the suspensions signs were not going to be tampered with .
I parked on 31st Oct and I saw two triangles .
The top one read suspension for the first Nov
And  the one below read

                                            No loading
                                             No Loading
                                             No parking
This what visible to the road at the time.
But when I returned  back to my car I saw two suspensions signs the top one for 1st Nov and the bottom one for 31st Oct and PCN on my windows screen.
The 31st suspension sign was turned to the houses  by the the tree surgeon when I parked there but I was not aware of that because it was not visible to the road but after I parked and left my car the  warden turned back to the road and issued the PCN.
The local authority informed me in the rejection email it is my responsibility to inspect  the suspension triangle all direction even If it is turned around towards the houses but the law clearly state the sign must be clear to the carriage way .
If  31st suspension sign was still valid although it was not facing the carriage way as Parking services stated then why the warden turned back to the road and issued this PCN ? Why didn't he just leave it facing the houses it is and took the photo to issue the PCN . But It obvious he couldn't issue the PCN with a suspension sign facing the pavement and this misleading.
The local parking services should  have investigated this PCN further and asked the warden if he did turn the suspension sign for the 31st back to the road and hoped the warden will be honest to admit he did .

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 11:47:00 Diane Bardon
   Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 11:54:00 Janice Evans
      Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 12:40:00 Diane Bardon
         Re:Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 13:13:00 Elizabeth Jane Daley
         Re:Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 15:26:00 Janice Evans
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 17:11:00 Richard Jennings
   Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 20:58:00 Robin Cox
      Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign10/04/19 22:50:00 Diane Bardon
         Re:Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign11/04/19 03:44:00 Tony Smart
   Re:Misleading suspension sign11/04/19 09:37:00 Diane Bardon
      Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign11/04/19 12:52:00 Nick Jenkins
         Re:Re:Re:Misleading suspension sign11/04/19 13:40:00 Diane Bardon

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