Forum Message

Posted by: Richard Jennings
Date/Time: 09/05/11 23:19:00

I got back from central London just after 9 a.m., with the westbound District in some disarray.  At Turnham Green, the eastbound platform was quite full, and the westbound had lots of people awaiting a Richmond train.  Evidently something had disrupted the service, but the board downstairs said "Good Service"!

Was any explanation offered for the eastbound delays?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
TURNHAM GREEN TUBE STATION 09MAY201109/05/11 19:33:00 Peter Hogan
   Re:TURNHAM GREEN TUBE STATION 09MAY201109/05/11 22:02:00 Helen Haslam
      Re:Re:TURNHAM GREEN TUBE STATION 09MAY201109/05/11 23:19:00 Richard Jennings
         Re:Re:Re:TURNHAM GREEN TUBE STATION 09MAY201110/05/11 08:39:00 Simon Everton
            Re:Re:Re:Re:TURNHAM GREEN TUBE STATION 09MAY201110/05/11 12:30:00 Michael Dempsey
               Re:TURNHAM GREEN TUBE STATION 09MAY201110/05/11 13:56:00 Ian Wylie
                  Re:Re:TURNHAM GREEN TUBE STATION 09MAY201110/05/11 14:14:00 Jonathan Bingham
                  Re:Re:TURNHAM GREEN TUBE STATION 09MAY201110/05/11 15:29:00 Richard Jennings

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