Forum Message

Topic: 'No' to third runway posters
Posted by: Jane Davison
Date/Time: 23/01/08 22:54:00

and many more ways of saying 'NO' are to be found at:

We must all do something, however small, to win this - there will be no second chance.  The government's suggested scenario just does not bear contemplation: low-flying planes, up to three at a time, every 90 seconds over most of west London, including the currently relatively peaceful areas of North Chiswick and Bedford Park.

As I write, a plane has just flown almost directly over my house even before any new runway - that never happened ten years ago, or even five years ago.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
'No' to third runway posters23/01/08 22:54:00 Jane Davison
   Re:'No' to third runway posters23/01/08 23:11:00 Mike Russell
      Re:Re:'No' to third runway posters25/01/08 23:48:00 Richard Jennings
   Re:'No' to third runway posters26/01/08 12:07:00 Jane Davison
      Re:Re:'No' to third runway posters26/01/08 13:06:00 Jim Lawes
         Re:Re:Re:'No' to third runway posters26/01/08 21:10:00 Jane Davison

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