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Topic: Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red - should be fixed within 24 hours
Posted by: Joanna Biddolph
Date/Time: 16/08/21 14:21:00

To confirm that TfL has this logged as a fault - reported by several residents as well as me.  Classified as an emergency, it should be fixed within 24 hours.

"New updates on URGENT Lights change to green only once in three/four phases.

Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. It is much appreciated. Your report has been investigated and we can confirm that there is a fault with these traffic lights. We have therefore referred this to our contractors and as it is classed as an emergency it will be fixed or made safe within 24 hours. Should you need anything else or have any questions please contact customer services on 0343 222 1234"

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 11:02:00 Chris Johnson
   Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 11:11:00 Chris Johnson
   Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 11:19:00 Chris Johnson
      Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 13:29:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 16:44:00 Richard Jennings
         Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 17:40:00 John Roberts
         Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 19:45:00 Chris Johnson
   Re:TGT lights stuck on red13/08/21 16:04:00 Arnold Saxton
      Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red - should be fixed within 24 hours16/08/21 14:21:00 Joanna Biddolph
         Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red - should be fixed within 24 hours16/08/21 17:51:00 Alexandra McDevitt
            Re:Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red - should be fixed within 24 hours16/08/21 18:05:00 Maggie Dodge

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