Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red
Posted by: John Roberts
Date/Time: 12/08/21 17:40:00

I reported this back in July.  If you find yourself at the head of the queue, position your vehicle within the cycle box at the lights and then the lights will change accordingly.  If you position yourself at the solid white line, you'll be waiting for at least 4 light changes. Traffic sensor box on the pole might have been knocked out of place? 

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 11:02:00 Chris Johnson
   Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 11:11:00 Chris Johnson
   Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 11:19:00 Chris Johnson
      Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 13:29:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 16:44:00 Richard Jennings
         Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 17:40:00 John Roberts
         Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 19:45:00 Chris Johnson
   Re:TGT lights stuck on red13/08/21 16:04:00 Arnold Saxton
      Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red - should be fixed within 24 hours16/08/21 14:21:00 Joanna Biddolph
         Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red - should be fixed within 24 hours16/08/21 17:51:00 Alexandra McDevitt
            Re:Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red - should be fixed within 24 hours16/08/21 18:05:00 Maggie Dodge

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