Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red
Posted by: Richard Jennings
Date/Time: 12/08/21 16:44:00

I was there earlier this afternoon.  Yes, you're right. The lights keep missing either the TGT or the Annandale phase.  I reported it to TfL Streets by email at about 2.30pm.

( has a handy page "Report a problem with a traffic light", but it directed me to Hounslow, and Hounslow's attempt to direct me to a relevant form at TfL Streets didn't work. So it had to be an email.)

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 11:02:00 Chris Johnson
   Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 11:11:00 Chris Johnson
   Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 11:19:00 Chris Johnson
      Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 13:29:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 16:44:00 Richard Jennings
         Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 17:40:00 John Roberts
         Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red12/08/21 19:45:00 Chris Johnson
   Re:TGT lights stuck on red13/08/21 16:04:00 Arnold Saxton
      Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red - should be fixed within 24 hours16/08/21 14:21:00 Joanna Biddolph
         Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red - should be fixed within 24 hours16/08/21 17:51:00 Alexandra McDevitt
            Re:Re:Re:Re:TGT lights stuck on red - should be fixed within 24 hours16/08/21 18:05:00 Maggie Dodge

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