Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:A Goldsmith writes...
Posted by: Thomas Barry
Date/Time: 04/09/12 13:46:00

"If trains are so marvellous please explain why the french are still operating flights from Paris to Lyon"

Actually in many cases if you book a 'flight' from CDG and some locations you get a TGV, since Air France book space on them instead of flying you.  Besides, your point is somewhat moot - the effect of HS rail competition on short routes is the decimation of air competition, as has been well documented:

“The TGV currently owns about 90-95% of the market share vs air for journeys under 2 hours and is dominating air on routes between Paris and Lyon, Marseille, Strasbourg and Montpellier”

It's been even more marked on Madrid-Barcelona, apparently - air had a 90% share before the train, that's reportedly down to 40% already (some places report even lower), and that's only because the Ryanairs have come in and offered bargain basement prices - air is the low-quality cheap alternative niche now, and crucially that doesn't have to go from your prestige main airport, you might as well use Luton or Southend rather than precious slots at LHR.


"The number of flights between Madrid and Málaga dropped by half in the two years after the AVE route between those cities opened in 2007."

"if you're starting in central London maybe"

Businesses, particularly the high value IT ones we're trying to attract, now prefer city centre locations - their target employee base (20-something, highly skilled) isn't interested in a house in the suburbs and a drive to work any more while London is much more attractive as a city to live in now than twenty years ago - low crime, high investment, vibrant culture, good transport system.  So they are starting in central London and this will continue.

"this guy has no idea what a 'hub' is"

Why do we need a hub?  Doesn't benefit the UK at all.  Let Schiphol or CDG handle that, they have the terrain for it.  London's airport capacity should be prioritised to serve flights for people travelling between London and places not reachable easily by rail, end of.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP27/08/12 19:32:00 Will Watson
   Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP27/08/12 23:41:00 Claire Moran
      Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 07:40:00 Tim Henderson
         Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 12:02:00 David Giles
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 12:06:00 Claire Moran
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 12:59:00 Jonathan Bingham
      Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 14:09:00 Thomas Barry
         Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 14:39:00 George Knox
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 14:44:00 Neil Muller
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 15:53:00 Dave Robertson
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 16:10:00 Jonathan Bingham
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 16:51:00 Richard Greenhough
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 17:13:00 Dave Robertson
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 18:00:00 Jonathan Bingham
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 19:19:00 Dave Robertson
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP29/08/12 09:46:00 Jonathan Bingham
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 15:36:00 Thomas Barry
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 15:58:00 Claire Moran
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP28/08/12 16:09:00 George Knox
                  What Tim Yeo MP says does not matter28/08/12 16:45:00 David Giles
                     Re:What Tim Yeo MP says does not matter28/08/12 16:53:00 Richard Greenhough
                     Re:What Tim Yeo MP says does not matter28/08/12 17:15:00 Roger Talbot
                        Re:Re:What Tim Yeo MP says does not matter28/08/12 18:41:00 David Giles
                     Nice try David28/08/12 20:27:00 Thomas Barry
                        Re:Nice try David28/08/12 22:56:00 David Giles
   It's not just Tim Yeo, of course28/08/12 20:33:00 Thomas Barry
   Re: Mary MacLeod and Zac Goldsmith28/08/12 21:26:00 Isabelle Kendall
      Re:Re: Mary MacLeod and Zac Goldsmith28/08/12 21:33:00 Iris Hill
         Re:Re:Re: Mary MacLeod and Zac Goldsmith28/08/12 21:40:00 Isabelle Kendall
            Re:Re:Re:Re: Mary MacLeod and Zac Goldsmith28/08/12 22:51:00 David Giles
         Re:Re:Re: Mary MacLeod and Zac Goldsmith29/08/12 00:15:00 Dave Robertson
            Re:Re:Re:Re: Mary MacLeod and Zac Goldsmith29/08/12 07:33:00 David Giles
      Re:Re: Mary MacLeod and Zac Goldsmith29/08/12 08:47:00 Thomas Barry
         Re:Re:Re: Mary MacLeod and Zac Goldsmith31/08/12 08:49:00 David Giles
   Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs29/08/12 06:47:00 Will Watson
      Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs29/08/12 07:46:00 David Giles
         Re:Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs29/08/12 09:41:00 Neil Muller
         Re:Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs29/08/12 09:53:00 Guy Lambert
            Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach29/08/12 17:55:00 David Giles
               Re:Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach29/08/12 18:45:00 Jonathan Bingham
                  Re:Re:Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach29/08/12 19:12:00 Richard Greenhough
                  Re:Re:Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach29/08/12 21:26:00 Tim Henderson
                     Re:Re:Re:Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach30/08/12 09:26:00 David Giles
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach30/08/12 09:43:00 Claire Moran
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach30/08/12 10:03:00 Dave Robertson
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach30/08/12 11:59:00 Vanessa Smith
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach30/08/12 13:39:00 Claire Moran
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach30/08/12 18:10:00 Dave Robertson
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach30/08/12 18:14:00 Claire Moran
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Let's get away from this Londoncentric approach30/08/12 18:32:00 David Giles
            Re:Re:Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs31/08/12 18:29:00 David Giles
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs31/08/12 18:44:00 Claire Moran
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs01/09/12 08:37:00 Dave Robertson
                  Re:Closing Heathrow ?01/09/12 09:35:00 Richard Greenhough
                     Re:Re:Closing Heathrow ?01/09/12 11:04:00 David Giles
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs01/09/12 09:35:00 Jonathan Bingham
                     BAA - the elephant in the room01/09/12 09:41:00 Thomas Barry
                        Re:BAA - the elephant in the room01/09/12 11:20:00 David Giles
                           Re:Re:BAA - the elephant in the room01/09/12 12:05:00 George Knox
                           Re:Re:BAA - the elephant in the room01/09/12 14:14:00 Jonathan Bingham
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs01/09/12 13:23:00 Dave Robertson
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs01/09/12 13:54:00 Claire Moran
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs03/09/12 10:22:00 Jonathan Bingham
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs03/09/12 11:17:00 Thomas Barry
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Heathrow capacity 'harms' economy, say MPs03/09/12 11:10:00 Thomas Barry
   Drip, drip, drip03/09/12 09:22:00 Will Watson
      Re:Drip, drip, drip03/09/12 09:27:00 Claire Moran
   A Goldsmith writes...04/09/12 09:30:00 Thomas Barry
      Re:A Goldsmith writes...04/09/12 09:47:00 Roger Talbot
         Re:Re:A Goldsmith writes...04/09/12 10:52:00 Thomas Barry
      Re:A Goldsmith writes...04/09/12 13:04:00 Jonathan Bingham
         Re:Re:A Goldsmith writes...04/09/12 13:46:00 Thomas Barry
            Re:Schiphol04/09/12 14:19:00 Richard Greenhough
               Re:Re:Schiphol04/09/12 14:39:00 Edward Przepiora
                  Re:Re:Re:Schiphol04/09/12 15:04:00 Richard Greenhough
                     Re:Regional airports in England05/09/12 12:19:00 Richard Greenhough
                     Aerogare London Charles de Gaulle05/09/12 13:34:00 David Giles
            Re:Re:Re:A Goldsmith writes...04/09/12 15:19:00 Dave Robertson
            Boris Island reconsidered04/09/12 19:12:00 Tom Pike
               Re:Boris Island reconsidered04/09/12 20:13:00 Edward Przepiora
                  Re:Re:Boris Island reconsidered05/09/12 00:11:00 Tom Pike
                     Re:Re:Re:Boris Island reconsidered05/09/12 10:39:00 Edward Przepiora
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Boris Island reconsidered05/09/12 10:46:00 Claire Moran
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Boris Island reconsidered05/09/12 10:57:00 John Hickman
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Boris Island reconsidered05/09/12 11:00:00 Richard Greenhough
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Boris Island reconsidered05/09/12 11:37:00 Edward Przepiora
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Boris Island reconsidered05/09/12 13:20:00 Tom Pike
                                 The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 13:52:00 David Giles
                                    Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 14:13:00 Claire Moran
                                    Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 14:17:00 Jonathan Bingham
                                       Re:Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 14:44:00 Tom Pike
                                          Re:Re:Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 15:31:00 Jonathan Bingham
                                    Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 14:24:00 Richard Greenhough
                                    Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 14:24:00 Dave Robertson
                                    Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 14:35:00 Tom Pike
                                    Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 15:22:00 Will Watson
                                       Re:Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 15:38:00 Edward Przepiora
                                          Re:Re:Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 15:43:00 Claire Moran
                                          Re:Re:Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 16:39:00 Tom Pike
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:The Government still opposes the Third Runway.05/09/12 16:42:00 Richard Greenhough
                                    The Treasury still supports the Third Runway.05/09/12 16:49:00 Thomas Barry
                                       Re:The Treasury still supports the Third Runway.06/09/12 10:00:00 Richard Greenhough
   Re:Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP06/09/12 09:54:00 Andrew OSullivan

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