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Topic: Re:Re:Chiropractors in W4
Posted by: Elizabeth Ross
Date/Time: 19/01/25 10:28:00

Thank you all for your responses. Gels and pills aren’t solving the problem.  Physio massages are temporary relief and lovely and prescribed exercises aren’t curing the pain either.  I have spent a great deal of money on physio twice a week and there is definitely a misalignment of spine and pelvis following a slip fall.

I haven’t contacted my GP practice as my experiences over the last few years have been so dispiriting and it has been more than 5 years since I last got a face to face appointment.  How do you demonstrate the pain you are in over a telephone?

Self help whether seeking advice or paying for surgery is the way to go but ridiculously expensive.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Chiropractors in W417/01/25 10:21:00 Elizabeth Ross
   Re:Chiropractors in W417/01/25 11:36:00 Simon Pedley
      Re:Re:Chiropractors in W417/01/25 11:38:00 Janice Evans
         Re:Re:Re:Chiropractors in W418/01/25 15:44:00 Philippa Bond
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Chiropractors in W418/01/25 16:00:00 Andrew Jones
      Re:Re:Chiropractors in W419/01/25 10:32:00 Liz Hagerty
   Re:Chiropractors in W419/01/25 10:01:00 Sandra Taylor
      Re:Re:Chiropractors in W419/01/25 10:28:00 Elizabeth Ross
         Re:Re:Re:Chiropractors in W419/01/25 13:24:00 Alexander Allan
         Re:Re:Re:Chiropractors in W419/01/25 13:28:00 Denis I. Fox
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Chiropractors in W419/01/25 15:03:00 Janice Evans
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Chiropractors in W419/01/25 15:06:00 Janice Evans
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Chiropractors in W419/01/25 16:40:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:Chiropractors in W419/01/25 22:40:00 Gabriella Newbold
   Re:Chiropractors in W403/02/25 15:50:00 V Killick
   Re:Chiropractors in W403/02/25 16:39:00 Janice Evans
      Re:Re:Chiropractors in W406/02/25 11:00:00 Elizabeth Ross
         Re:Re:Re:Chiropractors in W410/02/25 22:34:00 Jacqueline Whiston
   Re:Chiropractors in W405/02/25 20:23:00 Sandie Goodman

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