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Topic: Re:Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!
Posted by: Stephen Pett
Date/Time: 22/05/05 15:42:00

When's the free beer coming?
Looking at Toby's sums neither the single or married teachers would be able to buy the cheapest flat near Richmond. Even if it isn't 20 times the salary for the single person it is still more than x7 the salary. And just what would be the condition of the cheapest flat? My guess would be that a minimum of x8-9 the salary would be needed to move in. Maybe Toby knows of mortagage lenders who would be happy to give this much. And go back 30 years and you had more council/subsidised housing etc.. Go back 30 years and the nurses were not at the family home but in government owned nurses homes. And a lot of key workers can't (in London) afford to live within commuting distance or work - especially when commuting costs are added onto their small residual cash after paying the mortgage etc.. And as for the suggestion that people could live outside the South East don't all the businesses here need employees? And I would like the odd ambulance driver and fireman around. And I think it is ridiculous to say the government has contributed to the break up of families. Us humans have moved society on and are now more accepting of divorce/single parent families etc. - the government hasn't done that.
I just don't see what the problem is with trying to help people who can't afford to get on the housing ladder. Besides anything else the government will end up (by the sound of things) with a lot of money invested in housing.  Which should help everyone

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 10:54:00 Will Watson
   Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 11:17:00 Jonathan Sheldrake
      Re:Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 16:16:00 Will Watson
   Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 11:22:00 Toby Lovern
   Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 11:40:00 Michael John Mignola
   Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 11:59:00 Anneberth Lux
      Re:Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 15:42:00 Stephen Pett
         Re:Re:Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 17:57:00 Lois Westby
            Re:Re:Re:Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 18:11:00 Asha Smith
   Re:House Prices in W4 Halved! (n/m)23/05/05 06:58:00 David Johnson

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