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Topic: Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!
Posted by: Jonathan Sheldrake
Date/Time: 22/05/05 11:17:00

THe fact is that flats/houses are way out of reach for the average person on an average wage. I earn an average wage and I have a flat, because I bought a flat when there was a recession. Why shouldn't people like me get a chance to own their own property? And just because you earn less doesn't mean you work less in fact quite the opposite. I resent the implication that all people on lower salaries are loafers. I would suggest you try a job like a nurse, fireman etc for yourself for a week.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 10:54:00 Will Watson
   Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 11:17:00 Jonathan Sheldrake
      Re:Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 16:16:00 Will Watson
   Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 11:22:00 Toby Lovern
   Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 11:40:00 Michael John Mignola
   Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 11:59:00 Anneberth Lux
      Re:Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 15:42:00 Stephen Pett
         Re:Re:Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 17:57:00 Lois Westby
            Re:Re:Re:Re:House Prices in W4 Halved!22/05/05 18:11:00 Asha Smith
   Re:House Prices in W4 Halved! (n/m)23/05/05 06:58:00 David Johnson

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