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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Imperial CEO does U-turn and refuses McKinsey trip to USA
Posted by: Karen Liebreich
Date/Time: 01/12/14 15:40:00

That is exactly what McKinsey has organised. So no, they are not touring expensive facilities and inspecting "telemedicine". They are looking at the highest-ranked US organisations that are beginning to do integrated care across primary and secondary care, explicitly focussing on managing frail elderly patients. Mainly working in the Bronx, Baltimore etc. The US organisations are not selling their information, they are sharing the problems and working together as academic partners. It is not a junket, they have a fully-packed schedule, travel economy, are sharing bedrooms.

If you insist on using the Mail as your reference (always a risky strategy) then on Friday the Mail wrote that "Increasing delays in discharging patients from hospital is causing record levels of "bed-blocking" ...with over 96,000 bed days wasted." The knock-on effects of this, as well as the risks of keeping the elderly in hospital are surely obvious.

The idea that we all look after our elderly parents, and our children will look after us 24/7 is lovely, but completely unrealistic. This trip is not some Tory conspiracy to sell the NHS to evil American capitalists, brokered by McKinsey, but a genuine attempt by a group of doctors and managers to learn how to improve our services. And I very much hope they do improve it before I need it.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Imperial CEO does U-turn and refuses McKinsey trip to USA30/11/14 12:35:00 Una Hodgkins
   Re:Imperial CEO does U-turn and refuses McKinsey trip to USA30/11/14 13:13:00 Chris Martin
      Re:Re:Imperial CEO does U-turn and refuses McKinsey trip to USA30/11/14 17:53:00 Una Hodgkins
         Re:Re:Re:Imperial CEO does U-turn and refuses McKinsey trip to USA30/11/14 19:29:00 Karen Liebreich
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Imperial CEO does U-turn and refuses McKinsey trip to USA30/11/14 22:31:00 Una Hodgkins
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Imperial CEO does U-turn and refuses McKinsey trip to USA01/12/14 15:40:00 Karen Liebreich
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Imperial CEO does U-turn and refuses McKinsey trip to USA02/12/14 13:07:00 Una Hodgkins

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