Forum Message

Topic: Re:Building Work on a Saturday and Sunday
Posted by: Georgina Flint
Date/Time: 18/10/14 16:22:00

I'm sure you're correct Anna.  Also, they're not allowed to start before 9am on a Saturday. I suffered the same and it's annoying to say the least.

Could you call the noise police at the council? Maybe yr neighbours could also complain.


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Building Work on a Saturday and Sunday18/10/14 16:12:00 Anna Beck
   Re:Building Work on a Saturday and Sunday18/10/14 16:16:00 Nigel Brooks
      Re:Re:Building Work on a Saturday and Sunday18/10/14 16:34:00 Sam Hearn
         Re:Re:Re:Building Work on a Saturday and Sunday18/10/14 17:01:00 Adam Beamish
   Re:Building Work on a Saturday and Sunday18/10/14 16:22:00 Georgina Flint
      Re:Re:Building Work on a Saturday and Sunday18/10/14 17:29:00 Andy Pease
      Re:Re:Building Work on a Saturday and Sunday18/10/14 17:29:00 Loraine Pemberton
      Re:Re:Building Work on a Saturday and Sunday18/10/14 17:29:00 Anna Beck
         Re:Re:Re:Building Work on a Saturday and Sunday18/10/14 22:07:00 Liz Kovatzis
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Building Work on a Saturday and Sunday18/10/14 23:08:00 Andy Pease

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