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Topic: Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points.
Posted by: Susan Welsh
Date/Time: 21/07/24 13:44:00

Thanks to John Todd for the update. We'd be most grateful for pressure to effect a swift repair of the charge points in Netheravon Road. Contrary to what Jackie says above, we rely on the lamppost chargers on Netheravon Road to charge our EV. Even if one is on the blink, there's always been another that's working. It will be much more inconvenient to try to access a fast charger someplace, when we can leave the ones near our home charging overnight.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 17/07/24 19:34:00 John Richard Todd
   Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 18/07/24 08:14:00 Felicity Caborn
      Re:Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 18/07/24 09:13:00 Adrian Irving
         Re:Re:Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 18/07/24 22:03:00 Jackie Elton
            Re:Re:Re:Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 18/07/24 22:19:00 Paul Campbell
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 21/07/24 09:12:00 Adrian Irving
            Re:Re:Re:Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 24/07/24 20:42:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 23/07/24 21:37:00 Emma Elizabeth
            Re:Re:Re:Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 24/07/24 20:54:00 Paul Campbell
            Re:Re:Re:Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 24/07/24 23:04:00 Joanna Biddolph
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 24/07/24 23:16:00 Paul Campbell
   Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 21/07/24 13:44:00 Susan Welsh
      Re:Re:LBH lampost electric Vehicle charging points. 21/07/24 14:35:00 N V Brooks

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