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Topic: Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick
Posted by: Felicity Caborn
Date/Time: 27/01/22 17:09:00

Have to say I was very impressed with the way that both Nick Rogers and Sadiq Khan conducted themselves on this matter. It is heartening that the Mayor of London would take enough interest in the issue of three bus stops to consider overriding his officers' advice. Nick Rogers' persistence clearly was important.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 12:26:00 John Todd
   Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 12:39:00 Maggie Dodge
   Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 13:01:00 Richard Greenhough
      Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 13:25:00 Maggie Dodge
         Re:Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 14:29:00 Jeremy Parkinson
   Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 14:37:00 Paul Campbell
      Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 17:15:00 Steve Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 17:56:00 Andrew Jones
            Re:Re:Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 19:35:00 Jim Currie
   Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick26/01/22 18:30:00 Susan Jacques
      Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick27/01/22 17:09:00 Felicity Caborn

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