Forum Message

Topic: 533 bus not stopping in Chiswick
Posted by: John Todd
Date/Time: 25/01/22 12:26:00

With the help of Nick Rogers our GLA Member we've continued to campaign for this bus to  return to stopping in Chiswick on the A 316

At Mayor's question time  Sadiq Khan agreed that making it harder for people to use public transport was perhaps counter-productive and offered to meet with Nick and me with his deputy mayor Traffic.

I'll report the result.

Any contributions of evidence on how valuable this service was would be appreciated. I am aware of the Petition.


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 12:26:00 John Todd
   Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 12:39:00 Maggie Dodge
   Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 13:01:00 Richard Greenhough
      Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 13:25:00 Maggie Dodge
         Re:Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 14:29:00 Jeremy Parkinson
   Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 14:37:00 Paul Campbell
      Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 17:15:00 Steve Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 17:56:00 Andrew Jones
            Re:Re:Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick25/01/22 19:35:00 Jim Currie
   Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick26/01/22 18:30:00 Susan Jacques
      Re:Re:533 bus not stopping in Chiswick27/01/22 17:09:00 Felicity Caborn

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