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Topic: Chiswick Post Office (Heathfield Terrace)
Posted by: Kayte Martin
Date/Time: 26/03/21 15:41:00

It has now got to the point that sending anything via this post office is guaranteed not to get to the recipient. I sent legal documents recorded delivery in December 2020, only for it never to be received and came up with no information on track and trace, when I complained to Royal Mail they sent me a book of 6 postage stamps as an apology. Thanks for that!

I then received no mail for 3 months, between November 2020 until February 2021, whatsoever, despite living 500 yards away from the post office and sorting office. End of January 2021 I received a bulk of mail and once again this caused a significant issues as contained legal documents I was required to respond to within 28 days as the defendant was making a settlement.

Early March 2021 I move house, to another part of chiswick and, as the move was last minute I had to sign up to (and pay) for the redelivery service for 3 months whilst I transitioned to my new house and found time to change over my address. Since then, now coming up to two months since I moved I have received no redirected mail what-so-ever. I sent my mother a recorded delivery track and trace card from the same aforementioned post office a week before mothers day and she has still not received it. There is no record on track of trace of it being delivered just states it was received at Heathfield terrace post office. Where is all this mail?

Calling or trying to contact Royal Mail is near impossible and their online chat contact service is impossible.

Am I alone in this experience with Royal Mail and this post office? I have absolutely no faith in the service anymore and see no point in spending money, time and putting any faith in a system that clearly does not work. Using the pandemic as an excuse for mail constantly and each time going missing will simply not wash anymore. How is it, that Amazon can deliver the next day (even on items of small value) and these clowns are taking a premium fee for nothing in return?
Answers on a postcard!

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Chiswick Post Office (Heathfield Terrace)26/03/21 15:41:00 Kayte Martin
   Re:Chiswick Post Office (Heathfield Terrace)26/03/21 16:53:00 Janice White
      Re:Re:Chiswick Post Office (Heathfield Terrace)26/03/21 23:23:00 Ed Saper

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