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Topic: Sainsbury's Essex Place lockdown restrictions
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Posted by: Jose Deniz
Date/Time: 28/04/20 19:58:00

I haven't ventured up that way since the lockdown was enforced and I'm planning to later this week. I'd be interested to know how social distancing measures are being implemented and observed.
Is the pedestrian entrance on Essex Place still open? Are the toilets still open to wash your hands? What's the experience in-store like? Any particularly busier or quieter times?
Thank you.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Sainsbury's Essex Place lockdown restrictions28/04/20 19:58:00 Jose Deniz
   Re:Sainsbury's Essex Place lockdown restrictions29/04/20 06:41:00 Felicity Caborn
      Re:Re:Sainsbury's Essex Place lockdown restrictions29/04/20 08:03:00 Colin Jordan
   Waitrose click & collect29/04/20 13:10:00 Gina Thomas

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