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Topic: Re:Re:Sainsbury's Essex Place lockdown restrictions
Posted by: Colin Jordan
Date/Time: 29/04/20 08:03:00

I've found that if you go in the morning the queue will stretch to the far end of the car park, but if you wait till about 2pm or beyond, there is little or no queue. The floor in the store is taped out to encourage social distancing, but the extent to which individual customers pay attention to it is, of course, variable, since, as we all know, there is a proportion of the general public who don't seem to have seen or heard a single news bulletin over the past two months, or who simple consider themselves 'above all that sort of stuff'. Personally, while I'm inside the store, I wear a mask and gloves, even though we're constantly given conflicting messages on this by the authorities and their scientific experts.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Sainsbury's Essex Place lockdown restrictions28/04/20 19:58:00 Jose Deniz
   Re:Sainsbury's Essex Place lockdown restrictions29/04/20 06:41:00 Felicity Caborn
      Re:Re:Sainsbury's Essex Place lockdown restrictions29/04/20 08:03:00 Colin Jordan
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