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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'
Posted by: Anita Blake
Date/Time: 20/02/24 11:55:00

I'm a fan of Acton and do most of my shopping there but it doesn't have the range and quality of restaurants that are available on the High Road. Silver Birch and Villa di Geggiano are particular favourites at the moment and there are probably five to eight others which are better than the best Acton has to offer.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'16/02/24 12:21:00 Mark Evans
   Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'16/02/24 13:19:00 N V Brooks
   Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'16/02/24 14:16:00 Andrew Jones
      Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'16/02/24 14:33:00 Colin Jordan
         Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'16/02/24 14:54:00 Francis Rowe
            Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'16/02/24 15:55:00 John Kennedy
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'16/02/24 16:03:00 N V Brooks
                  Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'16/02/24 16:16:00 Marlene Plimley
                     Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'17/02/24 13:25:00 Janice Evans
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'16/02/24 16:17:00 Denis I. Fox
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'16/02/24 16:59:00 Andrew Jones
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'17/02/24 15:07:00 Keith Iddon
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'18/02/24 09:11:00 Mark Frost
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'18/02/24 14:17:00 V Killick
   Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'17/02/24 16:27:00 Christopher Shea
      Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'17/02/24 18:49:00 N V Brooks
   Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'17/02/24 19:30:00 Susan Kelly
      Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'18/02/24 09:26:00 N V Brooks
         Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'18/02/24 20:31:00 Claire Moran
            Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'18/02/24 21:26:00 Christopher Shea
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'18/02/24 22:55:00 Philippa Bond
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'19/02/24 11:58:00 Philippa Bond
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'19/02/24 12:01:00 N V Brooks
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:'Acton is now posher than Chiswick'20/02/24 11:55:00 Anita Blake

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