Forum Message

Topic: Re:  Why shoot the messenger?
Posted by: Philippa Bond
Date/Time: 18/11/20 17:08:00

Why was the TGT fairy being yelled at?

How many drivers repeatedly couldn't read the signs and how many deliberately didn't read the signs I wonder?

How often should cycling proficiency and driving tests be taken throughout our lives?  There are two extremes and a lot of people in between! 

There are children on scooters on pavements who you have to hold your breath don't drive off the pavement or don't get run down by reversing cars as they cross driveways without looking/stopping or who scoot towards people they could easily disable if they hit them while looking backwards. A lot of this whilst parents/carers are chatting to each other or on their phones.  (There are some great notices up at school gates reminding parents to collect with a smile and not a mobile.)

Apparently there are also several hundred centenarians who are still legally entitled to drive (but of course may not be).

The Highway Code of course does not always remain the same.  It is updated from time to time.

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      Re:Re:Turnham Green Terrace now open for all! (for now)29/10/20 18:38:00 Claire Moran
         Re:Re:Re:Turnham Green Terrace now open for all! (for now)29/10/20 19:33:00 Bruce Hammal
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                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Turnham Green Terrace now open for all! (for now)29/10/20 21:29:00 Chris Johnson
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               Re:Poor Tom Pike30/10/20 07:50:00 Paul Green
                  Re:Re:Poor Tom Pike18/11/20 01:30:00 Lucas Cox
                     Re:  Why shoot the messenger?18/11/20 17:08:00 Philippa Bond
                  Re:Re:Poor Tom Pike18/11/20 05:26:00 Adrian Irving

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