Forum Message

Topic: Gumtree freebies
Posted by: Sean Wales
Date/Time: 10/08/20 08:49:00

I had several items that were destined for the tip but had a rethink yesterday and held some back and put on freebies gumtree as a job lot.
Some furniture and garden tools and pots.
Within 2 minutes of posting the ad I received a reply. Within an hour they had collected.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Designing for the Circular Economy07/08/20 16:24:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:Designing for the Circular Economy08/08/20 12:51:00 Peter Evans
      Re:Re:Designing for the Circular Economy08/08/20 12:59:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:Re:Designing for the Circular Economy:  Designing for  09/08/20 20:56:00 Philippa Bond
   Gumtree freebies10/08/20 08:49:00 Sean Wales
      Re:Gumtree freebies/Freecyling/Designing products for easier recycling10/08/20 12:17:00 Philippa Bond

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