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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?
Posted by: Viv Griffiths
Date/Time: 08/08/20 20:16:00

Nope, I've no connection to Michael although I know a couple of people who've met him.

I'm not supportive of him, I'd like him to stop.

I can well understand why some people take great offence to his posts. I know of a young otherwise healthy man who died from covid leaving a pregnant wife so, on their behalves, and others like them, I am anti-Michael.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Well what about it, Michael Brown?07/08/20 19:10:00 Richard Cathcart
   Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?07/08/20 19:46:00 Stuart Kerr
      Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?07/08/20 20:03:00 Carl Wynne
         Re:Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?07/08/20 20:23:00 Michael Brown
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?07/08/20 21:37:00 Julian Pavey
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?07/08/20 23:29:00 Mick Collins
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?07/08/20 23:32:00 Janice Evans
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?08/08/20 08:48:00 Andy Riley
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?08/08/20 08:53:00 Janice Evans
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?08/08/20 09:06:00 Keith Iddon
   Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?08/08/20 10:46:00 Mick Collins
      Do the honourable thing and publicly resign from the forum, Cathcart08/08/20 12:45:00 Michael Brown
         Re:Do the honourable thing and publicly resign from the forum, Cathcart08/08/20 13:17:00 Keith Iddon
            Re:Re:Do the honourable thing and publicly resign from the forum, Cathcart08/08/20 13:31:00 Michael Brown
               Re:Re:Re:Do the honourable thing and publicly resign from the forum, Cathcart08/08/20 14:06:00 Keith Iddon
                  Anyhow...08/08/20 16:15:00 Richard Cathcart
                     Re:Anyhow...08/08/20 16:37:00 Stuart Kerr
                        Richard Cathcart replies to SK08/08/20 17:22:00 Richard Cathcart
                           Re:Richard Cathcart replies to SK08/08/20 17:34:00 Mick Collins
                           Re:Richard Cathcart replies to SK08/08/20 17:43:00 Adrian Irving
                              Re: "A good laugh"08/08/20 18:01:00 Richard Cathcart
                                 Re:Yup..  Richard Cathcart of W4 - an obsessive nasty little twerp08/08/20 18:35:00 Stuart Kerr
                                    Re:Yup..  Stuart Kerr of W4 - an obsessive nasty little twerp08/08/20 18:54:00 Richard Cathcart
                                       Get a grip lads..08/08/20 18:57:00 Keith Iddon
                                       Re: Richard Cathcart of W4 - an obsessive nasty little twerp08/08/20 19:04:00 Stuart Kerr
                                    Re:Re:Yup..  Richard Cathcart of W4 - an obsessive nasty little twerp08/08/20 19:05:00 Malcolm Peltu
                                       Re:Re:Re:Yup..  Richard Cathcart of W4 - an obsessive nasty little twerp08/08/20 19:08:00 Stuart Kerr
                                       Re:Re:Re:Yup..  Richard Cathcart of W4 - an obsessive nasty little twerp08/08/20 19:09:00 Charlotte Graham
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Yup..  Richard Cathcart of W4 - an obsessive nasty little twerp08/08/20 19:15:00 Stuart Kerr
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Yup..  Richard Cathcart of W4 - an obsessive nasty little twerp09/08/20 00:47:00 Andrew Jones
         Re:Do the honourable thing and publicly resign from the forum, Cathcart09/08/20 08:19:00 James Smith-Jones
   Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?08/08/20 19:27:00 Viv Griffiths
      Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?08/08/20 20:08:00 Mick Collins
      Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?08/08/20 20:10:00 Stuart Kerr
         Re:nasty twerp Richard Cathcart of W4...08/08/20 20:13:00 Stuart Kerr
         Re:Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?08/08/20 20:16:00 Viv Griffiths
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?08/08/20 20:18:00 Viv Griffiths
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Well what about it, Michael Brown?08/08/20 20:21:00 Stuart Kerr
               Re:nasty twerp Richard Cathcart of W4...08/08/20 20:38:00 Stuart Kerr
                  Re:Re:nasty twerp Richard Cathcart of W4...08/08/20 21:25:00 Julian Pavey
                     Re:Re:Re:nasty twerp Richard Cathcart of W4...08/08/20 21:41:00 Janice Evans
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:nasty twerp Richard Cathcart of W4...08/08/20 21:47:00 Janice Evans
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:nasty twerp Richard Cathcart of W4...08/08/20 21:48:00 Stuart Kerr
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:nasty twerp Richard Cathcart of W4...08/08/20 21:54:00 Viv Griffiths
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:nasty twerp Richard Cathcart of W4...08/08/20 21:57:00 Janice Evans
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:nasty twerp Richard Cathcart of W4...08/08/20 22:23:00 Stuart Kerr
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:nasty twerp Richard Cathcart of W4...08/08/20 23:15:00 Basil Finnis
                                       Re:forum wristers!09/08/20 08:07:00 James Smith-Jones
                                          Re:Re:forum wristers!09/08/20 09:07:00 Julian Pavey
                                             This thread09/08/20 10:08:00 Jeffrey Cope
                                             Re:Re:Re:forum wristers!09/08/20 13:35:00 James Smith-Jones
   Reminder09/08/20 10:10:00 Richard Greenhough

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